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Merge pull request #810 from LCSB-BioCore/sew-loopless-modification
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Add a loopless modification for v2
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stelmo authored Dec 28, 2023
2 parents 538e1f4 + 4844f47 commit 7236a7d
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Showing 9 changed files with 477 additions and 0 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/examples/07-loopless-models.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@

# # Loopless flux balance analysis (ll-FBA)

# Here we wil add loopless constraints to a flux balance model to ensure that
# the resultant solution is thermodynamically consistent. As before, we will use
# the core *E. coli* model, which we can download using
# [`download_model`](@ref):



# Additionally to COBREXA and the JSON model format package. We will also need a
# solver that can solve mixed interger linear programs like GLPK.

import JSONFBCModels
import GLPK
import AbstractFBCModels as A

model = load_model("e_coli_core.json")

# ## Running a simple loopless FBA (ll-FBA)

# One can directly use `loopless_flux_balance_analysis` to solve an FBA problem
# based on `model` where loopless constraints are added to all fluxes. This is
# the direct approach.

sol = loopless_flux_balance_analysis(model; optimizer = GLPK.Optimizer)

@test isapprox(sol.objective, 0.8739215069684303, atol = TEST_TOLERANCE) #src

@test all(
v * sol.pseudo_gibbs_free_energy_reaction[k] <= -TEST_TOLERANCE for
(k, v) in sol.fluxes if
haskey(sol.pseudo_gibbs_free_energy_reaction, k) && abs(v) >= 1e-6
) #src

# ## Building your own loopless model

# ConstraintTrees allows one to add loopless constraints to any model. To
# illustrate how one would add loopless constraints to an arbitrary model (and
# not use the convenience function), let's build a loopless model from scratch.

# First, build a normal flux balance model
m = fbc_model_constraints(model)

# Next, find all internal reactions, and their associated indices for use later
internal_reactions = [
(i, Symbol(rid)) for
(i, rid) in enumerate(A.reactions(model)) if !is_boundary(model, rid)
internal_reaction_ids = last.(internal_reactions)
internal_reaction_idxs = first.(internal_reactions) # order needs to match the internal reaction ids below

# Construct the stoichiometric nullspace of the internal reactions
import LinearAlgebra: nullspace

internal_reaction_stoichiometry_nullspace_columns =
eachcol(nullspace(Array(A.stoichiometry(model)[:, internal_reaction_idxs])))

# And simply add loopless contraints on the fluxes of the model
m = add_loopless_constraints!(
fluxes = m.fluxes,

# Now the model can be solved as before!
optimized_constraints(m; objective = m.objective.value, optimizer = GLPK.Optimizer)
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/examples/08-community-models.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# # Community FBA models


# Here we will construct a community FBA model of two *E. coli* "core" models
# that can interact by exchanging selected metabolites. To do this, we will need
# the model, which we can download if it is not already present.

import Downloads: download

!isfile("e_coli_core.json") &&
download("", "e_coli_core.json")

# Additionally to COBREXA and the model format package, we will need a solver
# -- let's use Tulip here:

import JSONFBCModels
import Tulip
import AbstractFBCModels as A
import ConstraintTrees as C

model = load_model("e_coli_core.json")

# Community models work by joining its members together through their exchange
# reactions, weighted by the abundance of each microbe. These exchange reactions
# are then linked to an environmental exchange. For more theoretical details,
# see "Gottstein, et al, 2016, Constraint-based stoichiometric modelling from
# single organisms to microbial communities, Journal of the Royal Society
# Interface".

# ## Building a community of two *E. coli*s

# Here we will construct a simple community of two interacting microbes. To do
# this, we need to import the models. We import the models are ConstraintTrees,
# because it is easier to build the model explicitly than rely on an opaque
# one-shot function.

ecoli1 = fbc_model_constraints(model)
ecoli2 = fbc_model_constraints(model)

# Since the models are joined through their individual exchange reactions to an
# environmental exchange reactionq, we need to identify all possible exchange
# reactions in the community. Since the models are the same, this is
# straightforward here. Additionally, we need to specify the upper and lower
# bounds of these environmental exchange reactions.
lbs, ubs = A.bounds(model)

env_ex_rxns = Dict(
rid => (lbs[i], ubs[i]) for
(i, rid) in enumerate(A.reactions(model)) if startswith(rid, "EX_")

# Now we simply create an blank model that only includes environmental exchange reactions.

m = build_community_environment(env_ex_rxns)

# Next we join each member microbe to the model.
m += :bug1^ecoli1
m += :bug2^ecoli2

# We also need to specify the abundances of each member, as this weights the
# flux of each metabolite each member microbe can share with other members or
# the environment.
member_abundances = [(:bug1, 0.2), (:bug2, 0.8)]

m *= :environmental_exchange_balances^link_environmental_exchanges(m, member_abundances)

# Finally, the most sensible community FBA simulation involves assuming the
# growth rate of the models is the same. In this case, we simply set the growth
# rate flux of each member to be the same.
m *=
(:bug1, m.bug1.fluxes.:BIOMASS_Ecoli_core_w_GAM.value),
(:bug2, m.bug2.fluxes.:BIOMASS_Ecoli_core_w_GAM.value),

# Since each growth rate is the same, we can pick any of the growth rates as the
# objective for the simulation.
m *= :objective^C.Constraint(m.bug1.fluxes.:BIOMASS_Ecoli_core_w_GAM.value)

# Since the models are usually used in a mono-culture context, the glucose input
# for each individual member is limited. We need to undo this limitation, and
# rather rely on the constrained environmental exchange reaction (and the bounds
# we set for it earlier).
m.bug1.fluxes.EX_glc__D_e.bound = C.Between(-1000.0, 1000.0)
m.bug2.fluxes.EX_glc__D_e.bound = C.Between(-1000.0, 1000.0)

# We can also be interesting, and limit respiration in one of the members, to
# see what effect this has on the community.
m.bug1.fluxes.CYTBD.bound = C.Between(-10.0, 10.0)

# Finally, we can simulate the system!
sol = optimized_constraints(
objective = m.objective.value,
optimizer = Tulip.Optimizer,
modifications = [set_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 1000)],

@test isapprox(sol.:objective, 0.66686196344, atol = TEST_TOLERANCE) #src

# At the moment the members cannot really exchange any metabolites. We can
# change this by changing their individual exchange bounds.
mets = [:EX_akg_e, :EX_succ_e, :EX_pyr_e, :EX_acald_e, :EX_fum_e, :EX_mal__L_e]
for met in mets
m.bug1.fluxes[met].bound = C.Between(-1000.0, 1000.0)
m.bug2.fluxes[met].bound = C.Between(-1000.0, 1000.0)

sol = optimized_constraints(
objective = m.objective.value,
optimizer = Tulip.Optimizer,
modifications = [set_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 1000)],

# We can see that by allowing the microbes to share metabolites, the growth rate
# of the system as a whole increased! We can inspect the individual exchanges to
# see which metabolites are being shared (pyruvate in this case).
bug1_ex_fluxes = Dict(k => v for (k, v) in sol.bug1.fluxes if startswith(string(k), "EX_"))
bug2_ex_fluxes = Dict(k => v for (k, v) in sol.bug2.fluxes if startswith(string(k), "EX_"))

#!!! warning "Flux units"
# The unit of the environmental exchange reactions (mmol/gDW_total_biomass/h) is
# different to the unit of the individual species fluxes
# (mmol/gDW_species_biomass/h). This is because the mass balance needs to take
# into account the abundance of each species for the simulation to make sense.
# In this specific case, look at the flux of pyruvate (EX_pyr_e). There is no
# environmental exchange flux, so the two microbes share the metabolite.
# However, `bug1_ex_fluxes[:EX_pyr_e] != bug2_ex_fluxes[:EX_pyr_e]`, but rather
# `abundance_bug1 * bug1_ex_fluxes[:EX_pyr_e] == abundance_bug2 *
# bug2_ex_fluxes[:EX_pyr_e]`. Take care of this when comparing fluxes!

@test isapprox(
abs(0.2 * bug1_ex_fluxes[:EX_pyr_e] + 0.8 * bug2_ex_fluxes[:EX_pyr_e]),
) #src
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/COBREXA.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import AbstractFBCModels as A
import ConstraintTrees as C
import JuMP as J
import SparseArrays: sparse, findnz
import LinearAlgebra: nullspace

Expand All @@ -35,12 +36,15 @@ include("builders/genes.jl")



end # module COBREXA
Empty file.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions src/builders/communities.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
Helper function to create environmental exchange rections.
function environment_exchange_variables(env_ex_rxns = Dict{String,Tuple{Float64,Float64}}())
rids = collect(keys(env_ex_rxns))
lbs_ubs = collect(values(env_ex_rxns))
C.variables(; keys = Symbol.(rids), bounds = lbs_ubs)

export environment_exchange_variables

Helper function to build a "blank" community model with only environmental exchange reactions.
function build_community_environment(env_ex_rxns = Dict{String,Tuple{Float64,Float64}}())
:environmental_exchange_reactions => environment_exchange_variables(env_ex_rxns),

export build_community_environment

Helper function to link species specific exchange reactions to the environmental
exchange reactions by weighting them with their abundances.
function link_environmental_exchanges(
on = m.:environmental_exchange_reactions,
member_fluxes_id = :fluxes,
rid => C.Constraint(
value = -rxn.value + sum(
abundance * m[member][member_fluxes_id][rid].value for
(member, abundance) in member_abundances if
haskey(m[member][member_fluxes_id], rid);
init = zero(C.LinearValue),
bound = 0.0,
) for (rid, rxn) in on

export link_environmental_exchanges

Helper function to set each species growth rate equal to each other.
function equal_growth_rate_constraints(
Symbol(bid1, :_, bid2) => C.Constraint(value = bval1 - bval2, bound = 0.0) for
((bid1, bval1), (bid2, bval2)) in
zip(member_biomasses[1:end-1], member_biomasses[2:end])

export equal_growth_rate_constraints

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