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Adapt to coq/coq#18867 (cominductive returns default dep elim)
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SkySkimmer committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent 10f67f4 commit 292c6ff
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Showing 3 changed files with 10 additions and 14 deletions.
18 changes: 7 additions & 11 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2855,18 +2855,14 @@ let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =
EC.Vars.substl subst t
) in

let state, (mind, ubinders, uctx) =
let state, (default_dep_elim, mind, ubinders, uctx) =
let private_ind = false in
let state, poly, cumulative, udecl, variances =
poly_cumul_udecl_variance_of_options state coq_ctx.options in
let the_type =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
LocalAssum(Context.nameR itname, EConstr.it_mkProd_or_LetIn arity (nuparams @ params)) in
let env_ar_params = (Global.env ()) |> EC.push_rel the_type |> EC.push_rel_context (nuparams @ params) in
let arityconcl =
match Reductionops.sort_of_arity env_ar_params sigma arity with
| exception Reduction.NotArity -> None
| s -> Some s in

(* restruction to used universes *)
let state = minimize_universes state in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2897,7 +2893,7 @@ let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =
~ctx_params:(nuparams @ params)
~constructors:[knames, ktypes]
Expand All @@ -2913,7 +2909,7 @@ let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =
else None } (* not a record *) in
let i_impls = impls @ nuimpls in

state, mind, uctx, ubinders, i_impls, kimpls, List.(concat (rev gls_rev))
state, default_dep_elim, mind, uctx, ubinders, i_impls, kimpls, List.(concat (rev gls_rev))

let rec aux_fields depth state ind fields =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2958,10 +2954,10 @@ let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =
begin match E.look ~depth ks with
| E.Lam t ->
let ks = U.lp_list_to_list ~depth:(depth+1) t in
let state, idecl, uctx, ubinders, i_impls, ks_impls, gl2 =
let state, default_dep_elim, idecl, uctx, ubinders, i_impls, ks_impls, gl2 =
aux_construtors (push_coq_ctx_local depth e coq_ctx) ~depth:(depth+1) (params,List.rev impls) (nuparams, List.rev nuimpls) arity iname fin
state ks in
state, (idecl, uctx, ubinders, None, [i_impls, ks_impls]), List.(concat (rev (gl2 :: gl1 :: extra)))
state, (default_dep_elim, idecl, uctx, ubinders, None, [i_impls, ks_impls]), List.(concat (rev (gl2 :: gl1 :: extra)))
| _ -> err Pp.(str"lambda expected: " ++
str (pp2string P.(term depth) ks))
Expand All @@ -2982,11 +2978,11 @@ let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =
let ind = E.mkConst depth in
let state, fields_names_coercions, kty = aux_fields (depth+1) state ind fields in
let k = [E.mkApp constructorc kn [in_elpi_arity kty]] in
let state, idecl, uctx, ubinders, i_impls, ks_impls, gl2 =
let state, default_dep_elim, idecl, uctx, ubinders, i_impls, ks_impls, gl2 =
aux_construtors (push_coq_ctx_local depth e coq_ctx) ~depth:(depth+1) (params,impls) ([],[]) arity iname Declarations.BiFinite
state k in
let primitive = coq_ctx.options.primitive = Some true in
state, (idecl, uctx, ubinders, Some (primitive,fields_names_coercions), [i_impls, ks_impls]), List.(concat (rev (gl2 :: gl1 :: extra)))
state, (default_dep_elim, idecl, uctx, ubinders, Some (primitive,fields_names_coercions), [i_impls, ks_impls]), List.(concat (rev (gl2 :: gl1 :: extra)))
| _ -> err Pp.(str"id expected, got: "++
str (pp2string P.(term depth) kn))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/coq_elpi_HOAS.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ type record_field_spec = { name : Name.t; is_coercion : coercion_status; is_cano

val lp2inductive_entry :
depth:int -> empty coq_context -> constraints -> State.t -> term ->
State.t * (Entries.mutual_inductive_entry * Univ.ContextSet.t * UnivNames.universe_binders * (bool * record_field_spec list) option * DeclareInd.one_inductive_impls list) * Conversion.extra_goals
State.t * (DeclareInd.default_dep_elim list * Entries.mutual_inductive_entry * Univ.ContextSet.t * UnivNames.universe_binders * (bool * record_field_spec list) option * DeclareInd.one_inductive_impls list) * Conversion.extra_goals

val inductive_decl2lp :
depth:int -> empty coq_context -> constraints -> State.t -> (Names.MutInd.t * UVars.Instance.t * (Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * Declarations.one_inductive_body) * (Glob_term.binding_kind list * Glob_term.binding_kind list list)) ->
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1999,7 +1999,7 @@ and the current module|})))),
Supported attributes:
- @dropunivs! (default: false, drops all universe constraints from the store after the definition)
- @primitive! (default: false, makes records primitive)|}))),
(fun (me, uctx, univ_binders, record_info, ind_impls) _ ~depth {options} _ -> grab_global_env__drop_sigma_univs_if_option_is_set options "coq.env.add-indt" (fun state ->
(fun (default_dep_elim, me, uctx, univ_binders, record_info, ind_impls) _ ~depth {options} _ -> grab_global_env__drop_sigma_univs_if_option_is_set options "coq.env.add-indt" (fun state ->
let sigma = get_sigma state in
if not (is_mutual_inductive_entry_ground me sigma) then
err Pp.(str"coq.env.add-indt: the inductive type declaration must be ground. Did you forget to call coq.typecheck-indt-decl?");
Expand All @@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ Supported attributes:
let () = Global.push_context_set ~strict:true uctx in
let mind =
DeclareInd.declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations ~primitive_expected me (uentry', ubinders) ind_impls in
DeclareInd.declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations ~primitive_expected ~default_dep_elim me (uentry', ubinders) ind_impls in
let ind = mind, 0 in
let id, cids = match me.Entries.mind_entry_inds with
| [ { Entries.mind_entry_typename = id; mind_entry_consnames = cids }] -> id, cids
Expand Down

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