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FissoreD committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 1c521ee commit 974c07f
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Showing 4 changed files with 129 additions and 42 deletions.
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions apps/tc/elpi/compiler.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,19 +58,17 @@ compile-aux IsPositive (prod N T F) I RevPremises ListVar Clause :- !,
(Clause = (pi x\ decl x N T => C x), E = x\[locally-bound x]),
pi p\ decl p N T => E p =>
compile-aux-premise IsPositive p T (F p) I RevPremises ListVar (C p).
% hypothetical instance
% hypothetical instance (I is a name)
compile-aux IsPositive Ty I RevPremises ListVar Clause :-
ho-twin I X _ TyI, not (ListVar = []) ,!,
name AppInst X {std.rev ListVar},
std.unsafe-cast X XX,
HOPremise = (ho-link I TyI XX),
(pi A B C D\ fold-map A B C D :- subst-ho A B C D, !) => fold-map Ty [] TyX HOPremisesRev,
std.rev HOPremisesRev HOPremises,
ho-preprocess Ty TyX HOPremises,
compile-aux-conclusion IsPositive TyX AppInst [HOPremise|HOPremises] RevPremises Clause.
compile-aux IsPositive Ty I RevPremises ListVar Clause :- I {std.rev ListVar} AppInst,
(pi A B C D\ fold-map A B C D :- subst-ho A B C D, !) => fold-map Ty [] TyX HOPremisesRev,
std.rev HOPremisesRev HOPremises,
ho-preprocess Ty TyX HOPremises,
compile-aux-conclusion IsPositive TyX AppInst HOPremises RevPremises Clause.

pred compile-aux-conclusion i:bool, i:term, i:term, i:list prop, i:list prop, o:prop.
Expand Down
73 changes: 63 additions & 10 deletions apps/tc/elpi/ho_unif.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,10 +8,26 @@ unify-FO L ArgsNo Head Args :-! [ HD Extra Head,

:index (1)
pred is-coq-term i:A.
is-coq-term (sort _).
is-coq-term (global _).
is-coq-term (pglobal _ _).
is-coq-term (app _).
is-coq-term (fun _ _ _).
is-coq-term (prod _ _ _ ).
is-coq-term (fix _ _ _ _ ).
is-coq-term (match _ _ _).
is-coq-term (let _ _ _ _).
is-coq-term (primitive _).

pred locally-bound i:term.

pred build-fun i:term, i:A, o:term.
build-fun (prod N T Bo) V (fun N T (Bo1)) :- !,
build-fun (prod N T Bo) V (fun N T Bo1) :-
is-coq-term V, !,
pi x\ build-fun (Bo x) { V [x]} (Bo1 x).
build-fun (prod N T Bo) V (fun N T Bo1) :- !,
pi x\ build-fun (Bo x) (V x) (Bo1 x).
build-fun _ V V.

Expand All @@ -21,28 +37,57 @@ coq.reduction.eta-expand N P Acc (x\ Q x) :- N > 0, M is N - 1,
pi x\ coq.reduction.eta-expand M P [x|Acc] (Q x).

pred ho-link o:term, i:term, o:A.
ho-link C Ty E :- var E, not (var C), !, coq.count-prods Ty N, coq.reduction.eta-expand N C [] E.
ho-link C Ty E :- var C, not (var E), !, build-fun Ty E ETA, coq.reduction.eta-contract ETA C.
ho-link C Ty E :- not (var C), not (var E), !, same-eta C Ty [] E.
ho-link O I A :- coq.error "ho-link:" O I A.
:name "ho-link"
ho-link C Ty E :- var E, not (var C), !,
coq.count-prods Ty N, coq.reduction.eta-expand N C [] E.
ho-link C Ty E :- var C, not (var E), !,
build-fun Ty E ETA, coq.reduction.eta-contract ETA C.
ho-link C Ty E :- not (var C), not (var E), !,
coq.say "C" C, same-eta C Ty [] E.
ho-link C Ty E :- build-fun Ty E C', C' = C.

pred same-eta i:term, i:term, i:list term, i:A.
same-eta C (prod _ _ F) V E :- pi x\ same-eta C (F x) [x|V] (E x).
:name "same-eta1"
same-eta C (prod _ _ F) V E :- !, pi x\ same-eta C (F x) [x|V] (E x).
:name "same-eta2"
same-eta C _ VarsRev E :- C {std.rev VarsRev} CVars,
hd-beta E [] Hd Args, Hd Args EVars,
std.assert! (same_term CVars EVars) "eta mess".

pred build-fun1 i:int, i:list term, o:term, o:term.
build-fun1 0 L _ APP :- prune F_ [], std.rev L L1, APP = app [F_ | L1].
build-fun1 N L _ (fun _ _ X) :-
N > 0, N1 is N - 1, pi x\
build-fun1 N1 [x|L] _ (X x).

pred coq-intros i:list term, i:list term, i:list term, o:term, o:A.
coq-intros SC [] V K K :-
std.append SC {std.rev V} L, prune K L.
coq-intros SC [HD|L] LL (fun `elpi_intro` Ty Bo) E :-
coq.typecheck HD Ty ok,
pi x\ coq-intros SC L [x | LL] (Bo x) (E x).

pred subst-ho i:term, i:A, o:term, o:A.
% pattern fragment
subst-ho (app [X|XS]) A YXS A1 :- ho-twin X Y _ Ty, distinct_names XS, std.forall XS locally-bound, !,
subst-ho (app [X|XS]) A YXS A1 :-
name X, ho-twin X Y _ Ty, distinct_names XS, std.forall XS locally-bound, !,
name YXS Y XS,
std.unsafe-cast Y Y1,
%build-fun Ty Y1 Fun,
A1 = [ho-link X Ty Y1|A].
subst-ho X A X A1 :- ho-twin X Y _ Ty, !, A1 = [ho-link X Ty Y|A].
subst-ho X A X A :- var X, !.
subst-ho (app [X|XArgs]) A R A1 :-
var X _ XScope,
std.append XScope XArgs Scope,
distinct_names Scope, !,
coq-intros XScope XArgs [] X' E,
hd-beta X' XArgs Aaa Baa, Aaa Baa R,
coq.typecheck X Ty ok,
A1 = [ ho-link X Ty E | A].
subst-ho X A X A1 :- name X, ho-twin X Y _ Ty, !, A1 = [ho-link X Ty Y|A].
% FO heuristic
subst-ho (app [X|XS]) A (app L) A2 :- ho-twin X Y L Ty, !,
subst-ho (app [X|XS]) A (app L) A2 :- name X, ho-twin X Y L Ty, !,
std.length XS NARGS,
std.fold-map XS A fold-map YS A1,
A2 = [ho-link X Ty Y,unify-FO L NARGS X YS|A1].
Expand All @@ -52,7 +97,15 @@ subst-ho (prod N T F) A (prod N T1 F1) A2 :- !,
subst-ho (fun N T F) A (fun N T1 F1) A2 :- !,
fold-map T A T1 A1, (pi x\ locally-bound x => fold-map (F x) A1 (F1 x) A2).

pred ho-preprocess i:term, o:term, o:list prop.
ho-preprocess Ty TyX HOPremises :-
(pi A B C D\ fold-map A B C D :- subst-ho A B C D, !) =>
fold-map Ty [] TyX HOPremisesRev,
std.rev HOPremisesRev HOPremises.

% [ho-twin Coq ElpiHO ElpiFO CoqVarTy]
% app[Coq|Args] -> (app ElpiFO) / unif-FO ElpiFO N Coq Args
% app[Coq|Args] -> (ElpiHO Args) / ho-link Coq CoqVarTy ElpiHO
pred ho-twin i:term, o:A, o:list term, o:term.
ho-twin X Y_ Z_ Ty :- var X, !,
coq.typecheck X Ty ok.
27 changes: 7 additions & 20 deletions apps/tc/elpi/solver.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,33 +35,20 @@ build-hypotheses Ctx Clauses :-
std.append Ctx {section-var->decl} CtxAndSection,
compile-ctx CtxAndSection Clauses.

namespace ho-goal {
% [pf-search T L] lists the terms on which doing HO unification
pred pf-search i:term, o:list term.
pf-search T S :-
(pi T HD TL Acc\ fold-map T ACC _ [T | ACC] :- not (var T), app [HD|TL] = T, var HD, distinct_names TL) =>
fold-map T [] _ S.

pred ho-twin i:term, o:term.

pred tc-recursive-search.aux i:term, i:list term, i:list term, o:term.
tc-recursive-search.aux T [] L Proof :-![copy T Ty, Ty (global TC) TL',
std.append TL' [Proof] TL,
coq.elpi.predicate {gref->pred-name TC} TL Q], Q,
std.forall L (x\ sigma TW\ ho-goal.ho-twin x TW, coq.unify-eq x TW ok).
tc-recursive-search.aux T [HD | TL] L S :-
ho-goal.ho-twin HD F_ => copy HD F_ => tc-recursive-search.aux T TL L S.
tc-recursive-search.aux T _ _ Proof :-
ho-preprocess T Ty PostProcess,![ Ty (global TC) TL',
std.append TL' [Proof] TL,
coq.elpi.predicate {gref->pred-name TC} TL Q],
do [Q | PostProcess].

% [tc-recursive-search Goal Solution] takes the type of the goal and solves it
pred tc-recursive-search i:term, o:term.
tc-recursive-search Goal Sol :-
std.time ( Goal PFVar,
tc-recursive-search.aux Goal PFVar PFVar Sol
) Time,
if-true (is-option-active oTC-time-instance-search)
Expand Down
63 changes: 56 additions & 7 deletions apps/tc/tests/test_HO.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,25 @@ Module FO_app1.

End FO_app1.

Module FO_app2.

Context (A B : Type).

Class Functional (B: Type).

Instance s1 F: Functional (F A) -> Functional (F A). Qed.

Elpi Print TC.Solver.

Definition F (x : Type) := Type.
Context (H : Functional (F B)).

Goal Functional (F A).
apply s1, H.

End FO_app2.


Module HO_PF.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,20 +132,50 @@ End HO_PF.
Module HO_PF1.
Parameter A : Type.
Class Decision (P : Type).
(* Global Hint Mode Decision ! : typeclass_instances. *)

Class Exists (P : A -> Type) (l : A).
Instance Exists_dec (P : A -> Type): (forall x, Decision (P x)) -> forall l, Decision (Exists P l). Qed.

Goal forall (P : A -> Prop) l, (forall x, Decision (P x)) -> Decision (Exists P l).
apply _.
Lemma ho_in_elpi (P1: A -> Prop) l:
exists (P : A -> A -> A -> Prop), forall z y , (forall x, Decision (P1 x))
-> Decision (Exists (P z y) l) /\ P z y y = P1 z.
eexists; intros.
(* We take the most general solution for P, it picks P = (fun a b c => P1 ?x) *)
apply _.
(* Reflexivity fix ?x = a hence (fun a b c => P1 a) z y y = P1 z is solvable *)

Lemma ho_in_goal z (P1: A -> Prop) l:
exists (P : A -> A -> Prop), (forall x, Decision (P1 x))
-> Decision (Exists (P z) l).
Lemma ho_in_coq (P1: A -> Prop) l:
exists (P : A -> A -> A -> Prop), forall z y , (forall x, Decision (P1 x))
-> Decision (Exists (P z y) l) /\ P z y y = P1 z.
Elpi Override TC TC.Solver None.
eexists; intros.
(* Coq doesn't give the most general solution for P, it picks P = (fun _ _ x => P1 x) *)
apply _.
Fail reflexivity.

Section test.

Axiom (P1: Type -> Prop).
Context (H : Decision (P1 nat)).
Goal exists P, forall (x y:A) , Decision (P x y).
eexists; intros.
Set Printing Existential Instances.
apply _.

End test.

End HO_PF1.

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