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QMOD Format

Lauriethefish edited this page Jun 14, 2021 · 1 revision

QuestPatcher Mod Format

QuestPatcher mods have the file extension .qmod. They are renamed ZIP archives (other archive formats such as RAR or TAR are not supported).

Requirements for a valid QMOD

For a QMOD to be installed by QuestPatcher, the following conditions must be met.

  • The archive must contain a mod.json manifest which is JSON encoded in UTF-8.
  • The manifest must adhere to this schema.
  • All modFiles, libraryFiles and fileCopies in the manifest must exist in the archive with the given paths.
  • Dependency URLs (if given) must point to a website with a version of the dependency within the version range.

Some example QMODs that are used for testing QuestPatcher can be found here.

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