QR Code scanner in a Svelte Component with BC-UR Encoding support. It is also known as "animated" QR-Codes.
BC-UR not to confuse with BBQR - Better Bitcoin QR, which isn't supported yet. Both standards are supported by major Bitcoin wallets such as Electrum, BlueWallet, Sparrow Wallet and numerous other hardware wallets.
Basic use:
Run npm i @doichain/bcur-code-scanner-svelte
<Scanner />
let result
<Scanner bind:result>
<!-- Insert custom results component if you want to do something unique with the QR code data -->
<!-- override default by placing handler in here -->
{#if result}
The result is: {result}
<button on:click={() => (result = null)}>Scan again</button>
- Checkout this repo and run
npm i
- Run
npm run dev