Hi! This is my first website created in Vue!
This website allows me to test and learn features of Vue and Vue-Cli 4 in a small project.
I also try to explore and implement good practices on this project, that will help me as the base for other future projects.
- It uses Vue 2 as the Javascript for the website
- It uses Vue-Cli 4 as the tooling and management for this project
- It uses Bootstrap 4 as the CSS for the website
- It uses Font Awesome 5 as the icon library
- It shows a brief introduction of myself, @LeonSolisPedro
- It shows subtle and astonishing particles on the main page, thanks to particle.js
- It automatically detects if the browser is not supported, and displays a warning, all done with my own plugin called SupportedBrowsers.
- It uses Nginx as the web server, containerized in a Docker container
Feel free to check out this repository!
Note: This website requires browsers that supports ES2017 features