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Read package flags from OPAM metadata
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This changes the logic from hardcoding the compiler "base packages" to
instead read the OPAM flags to check whether the package in question is
a compiler in which case it will be considered a base package.

It also adds code to check for packages whether they are `conf` packages,
which could be used to check for virtual packages.

Inspired by tarides#327, this would allow `dkml-base-compiler` to be considered
a base package and not accidentally vendor it. However it doesn't yet
allow using the DKML compiler, because the name of the `ocaml` conf
package is still hardcoded with no way to override it (yet).
  • Loading branch information
Leonidas-from-XIV committed Nov 25, 2022
1 parent 07ca215 commit 4e91684
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Showing 4 changed files with 35 additions and 21 deletions.
12 changes: 1 addition & 11 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -16,17 +16,7 @@
open Import

let base_packages =
[ "jbuilder"; "dune"; "ocamlbuild"; "ocamlmod"; "oasis"; "ocamlify" ]
|> ~f:OpamPackage.Name.of_string
|> OpamPackage.Name.Set.of_list

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40 changes: 31 additions & 9 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,25 +174,40 @@ module Pp = struct
let url = Fmt.using OpamUrl.to_string Fmt.string

module Package_flag = struct
type t = OpamTypes.package_flag

let pp pps (v : t) =
match v with
| Pkgflag_LightUninstall -> pps "light-uninstall"
| Pkgflag_Verbose -> pps "verbose"
| Pkgflag_Plugin -> pps "plugin"
| Pkgflag_Compiler -> pps "compiler"
| Pkgflag_Conf -> pps "conf"
| Pkgflag_AvoidVersion -> pps "avoid-version"
| Pkgflag_Unknown unknown -> pps "unknown(%s)" unknown

module Package_summary = struct
type t = {
package : OpamPackage.t;
url_src : Url.t option;
hashes : OpamHash.t list;
dev_repo : string option;
depexts : (OpamSysPkg.Set.t * OpamTypes.filter) list;
flags : Package_flag.t list;

let pp fmt { package; url_src; hashes; dev_repo; depexts } =
let pp fmt { package; url_src; hashes; dev_repo; depexts; flags } =
let open Pp_combinators.Ocaml in
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hov 2>{ name = %a;@ version = %a;@ url_src = %a;@ hashes = %a;@ \
dev_repo = %a;@ depexts = %a }@]"
dev_repo = %a;@ depexts = %a;@ flags = %a }@]"
Pp.package_name Pp.version package.version
(option ~brackets:true Url.pp)
url_src (list Hash.pp) hashes
(option ~brackets:true string)
dev_repo Depexts.pp depexts
dev_repo Depexts.pp depexts (list Package_flag.pp) flags

let from_opam package opam_file =
let url_field = OpamFile.OPAM.url opam_file in
Expand All @@ -204,18 +219,25 @@ module Package_summary = struct ~f:OpamUrl.to_string (OpamFile.OPAM.dev_repo opam_file)
let depexts = OpamFile.OPAM.depexts opam_file in
{ package; url_src; hashes; dev_repo; depexts }
let flags = OpamFile.OPAM.flags opam_file in
{ package; url_src; hashes; dev_repo; depexts; flags }

let has_flag flag { flags; _ } = List.mem flag ~set:flags
let is_compiler v = has_flag OpamTypes.Pkgflag_Compiler v

let is_virtual = function
| { url_src = None; _ } -> true
| { dev_repo = None | Some ""; _ } -> true
| _ -> false

let is_base_package = function
| { package; _ }
when OpamPackage.Name.Set.mem Config.base_packages ->
| _ -> false
let is_base_package v =
let in_base_pkgs { package; _ } =
OpamPackage.Name.Set.mem Config.base_packages
let is_compiler_pkg { package; _ } =
OpamPackage.Name.equal Config.compiler_package_name
is_compiler v || in_base_pkgs v || is_compiler_pkg v

module Dependency_entry = struct
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/opam.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Package_summary : sig
hashes : OpamHash.t list;
dev_repo : string option;
depexts : (OpamSysPkg.Set.t * OpamTypes.filter) list;
flags : OpamTypes.package_flag list;

val pp : t Fmt.t
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ let opam_factory ~name ~version =
let summary_factory ?(name = "undefined") ?(version = "1") ?dev_repo ?url_src
?(hashes = []) ?(depexts = []) () =
let package = opam_factory ~name ~version in
{ Opam.Package_summary.package; dev_repo; url_src; hashes; depexts }
let flags = [] in
{ Opam.Package_summary.package; dev_repo; url_src; hashes; depexts; flags }

let dependency_factory ?(vendored = true) ?name ?version ?dev_repo ?url_src
?hashes ?depexts () =
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