4 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v11.0.5-00039 (2024-11-02)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/thewarwithin' into thewarwithin
- Merge pull request Hekili#4133 from syrifgit/syrif-rogue
Rogue Spec Options Update - review notes
- Merge pull request Hekili#4132 from Seusheque/thewarwithin
enha arc discharge buff id fix - Merge branch 'thewarwithin' into thewarwithin
- warr ranges
- Merge pull request Hekili#4134 from syrifgit/syrif-hunter
Hunter Spec Options UI - Standardization - Merge pull request Hekili#4135 from syrifgit/syrif-mage
Mage Spec Options UI - Standardization - Mage Spec Options UI - Standardization
Spec options should match other spec options. Title case, spell linking, etc.
Also shadowlands potions probably shouldn't be the default. - Fix Hekili#4117
- Hunter UI Standardization
Spec options should match other spec options. Title case, spell linking, etc. - Enhancement priority update
- pala and mage
ProtPal - SotR even when not tanking
frost mage - try and stop arcane explo when out of range - accidental revert
- pack strings with commentary this time!
- Emphasis for prediction option
- Sub shadowmeld spell link
- final tweak
- Rogue Spec Options UI update
- enha arc discharge buff id fix
- Destro Shadowburn update
- Revise Alacrity
- Merge branch 'thewarwithin' of https://github.com/Hekili/hekili into thewarwithin
- Merge pull request Hekili#4124 from syrifgit/syrif-rogue
Rogue Improvements - SoD match recharge and cooldown
- space
- tier shoulders
- shadow_Dance -> dance
- Alacrity
- Update RogueOutlaw.lua
- Update RogueOutlaw.lua
I was wrong about the nested if bc of Blade Flurry. - Review notes implemented
- Lingering Shadow / Lingering Darkness, Alacrity, Symbolic Victory
- Merge branch 'syrif-rogue' of https://github.com/syrifgit/syrif-hekili into syrif-rogue
- Update RogueAssassination.lua
Remove blank line - Deathstalkers mark, first dance, new APL (simc sync), supercharger
- Update RogueAssassination.simc
remove blank line - Support recheck timing of Diabolic Art/Ritual
- MW: Update ToP Buffs
- sin fixes, more sub modelling
- typos
- hek lets pala interrupt
john wtf you doing - rotten buff
- Sub rogue, first pass
Still todo: Evisc, black powder, technique, cold blood, shadownblades, goremaw, dance - Outlaw - remove unneeded code
- Minor outlaw tweaks
- nerien notes
- Merge branch 'Hekili:thewarwithin' into syrif-rogue
- sub accuracy tweaks
- outlaw accuracy tweaks
- Smarter Garrotes for no-target-swap
also, spell_targets isn't real apparently - Fix Hekili#4094
- Fix Hekili#4125
- Review notes implemented
also changed to FoK spell_targets for more accuracy - Fix Thorim's Invocation
- Better fan CP prediction
- fan of knives stuff?
- Cheap Shot needs stealth
- Merge branch 'thewarwithin' of https://github.com/Hekili/hekili into thewarwithin
- Frost DK SimC update
- Merge pull request Hekili#4115 from johnnylam88/feat/reserve-vanish-charges
feat: add slider to reserve Vanish charges for rogues - Screenshot on manual snapshots
- Merge branch 'thewarwithin' of https://github.com/Hekili/hekili into thewarwithin
- Handle Demonic Healthstones
- Merge pull request Hekili#4122 from syrifgit/syrif-hunter
BM - no more multishot in ST - BM - no more multishot in ST
hasn't been updated on the official APL yet, but this is no longer relevant due to multiple bug fixes - Merge pull request Hekili#4121 from syrifgit/syrif-rogue
Sin rogue - carnage effect - Merge pull request Hekili#4120 from syrifgit/syrif-mage
Arcane mage - Barrage Spam - Shadow: Improve Unfurling Darkness CD
- Merge branch 'thewarwithin' of https://github.com/Hekili/hekili into thewarwithin
- Arms, Ele, Fury sim updates
- no reactions here
- Sin rogue: Better APL support for no-target-swap users
- Sin rogue
old carnage handling for previous iteration of the effect - Update MageArcane.simc
Replace react with up/down/stack - Arcane mage - fix barrage spam due to touch desync
- Arcane pack string
- shadowmeld is a thing
- feat: add slider to reserve Vanish charges for rogues
Fixes Hekili#3855.