Welcome to SciTool ! This app is designed to help users graph, calculate, and simulate otherwise tedious tasks.
The list of available SciTools is below, and this list is always growing! If you want to contribute a SciTool, please send me an email at [email protected] with a Swift 5 or Python 3 program that has a simulation or calculator. Be sure to list all dependencies.
Current SciTools:
- Equipotential Lines Grapher
- 3D Potential Graph
- Circuit Simulator
- Stoichiometry Reaction Solver
- Stoichiometry Mass Solver
- Stellar Properties Solver
- Binary System Solver
- RR Lyrae Variable Calculator
(credit for 4,5 goes to @thegail for his Swift 5 command line project Stoichiometry)
(6,7,8 can also be found in the StarCalc project)
Current Dependencies: Must have Python3 installed and must have the following packages:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- plotly
- pandas (thanks mchl!)
There is a GUI that aids with installing these packages and Python3.
Thanks! Releases with new SciTools are posted regularly. Feel free to fork, pull request, etc. © MDNich 2024