A few goodies for the Medelexis MIS
- admin-users see the api_key of all users
- hooks are called after create/editing service tickets
- Scripts for the hooks
cd /path/to/redmine/plugins
git clone [email protected]:ngiger/redmine_medelexis.github
service restart redmine
[09:51:04] Marco Descher: Für Admin user https://mis-beta.medelexis.ch/mmustermann/license.xml
[09:52:15] Marco Descher: https://mis-beta.medelexis.ch/my/license - list of all service tickets
[09:52:23] Marco Descher: https://mis-beta.medelexis.ch/my/license.xml - encrypted and signed license
[09:52:35] Marco Descher: https://mis-beta.medelexis.ch/mmustermann/license - list of all service tickets
[09:52:42] Marco Descher: https://mis-beta.medelexis.ch/mmustermann/license.xml -encrypted and signed license
Im logger IP-Adresse des Aufrufes abspeichern.
Under http://foo.org/settings/plugin/redmine_medelexis you can add more debugging (to the default system logger) and to keep the temporary license files.
Get the needed zip files. Used versions are found under https://mis-beta.medelexis.ch/admin/info
- redmine-2.4.2.zip
- redmine_contacts-3_2_13-pro.zip
- redmine_contacts_helpdesk-2_2_8.zip
- redmine_contacts_invoices-3_1_0-pro.zip
- redmine_products-1_0_1-pro.zip
Afterwards execute and verify these steps (assuming a bash shell). Using ruby 1.9.3p547 was fine for me. Ruby 2.1.2 had some problems
unzip redmine-*.zip
cd redmine-2.4.2
cd plugins
unzip redmine_contacts-*-pro.zip
unzip redmine_contacts_helpdesk-*.zip
unzip redmine_contacts_invoices-*.zip
unzip redmine_products-*.zip
# (Skip unless production) git clone https://github.com/thorin/redmine_ldap_sync
git clone [email protected]:ngiger/redmine_medelexis.git # or https://github.com/ngiger/redmine_medelexis.git
cd ..
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_contacts
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_contacts_helpdesk
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_contacts_invoices
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_products
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_ldap_sync
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_medelexis
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development db:data:load
# loads db/data.yml
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production db:data:dump
# loads db/data.yml
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec script/rails runner 'user = User.find(:first, :conditions => {:admin => true}) ; \
user.login = "admin"; user.auth_source_id = nil; user.password, user.password_confirmation = "my_password"; user.save!'
If you know the login of you might also use something like :conditions => {:login => "myLogin"}
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development script/rails server webrick --port=30001
Now you should be able to login under
To run the tests call
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=redmine_medelexis
, which runs the test for all installed plugins.
Run tests for redmine_medelexis-plugins usingbundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=redmine_medelexis
ruby test/functional/license_test.rb
ruby test/integration/license_test.rb
The script scripts/convert_test_abo_to_orders.rb converts all open ‘TRIAL’ issues older than 1 month into ‘LICENSED’. It should be run daily with a cron scripts. E.g. /etc/cron.daily/onvert_test_abo_to_orders.sh
could have the following content.
cd /path/to/redmine/checkout && bundle exec ruby script/rails runner plugins/redmine_medelexis/scripts/convert_test_abo_to_orders.rb
It will add the log entries like this to the system logg
Aug 11 20:28:11 host user: redmine_medelexis: issue_to_licensed took 1 second for ids 20,21,22
It bundles all changes into a single transaction which includes the system log output, therefore we should be able to trust it.