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kod11 edited this page May 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

File structure for this project

|-- sass/
|   |-- modules/    # Files with variables not processed as CSS
|   |               # For example primary color for the page 
|   `-- partials/   # Styles for partial parts like a navigationbar or theme
|-- img/            # Contains the images for the project
|-- js/             # Contains the javascript for the project
|-- data/           # JSON files providing counties and municipalities information
|-- dist/           # Used for distribution. All files are minimized and unnecessary code removed
|-- test/           # Contains the tests for the project
|-- locales/        # Used to store the different languages
|-- lib/            # Contains the external libraries used
`-- api/            # All the files connecting to any API, the backend
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