17 commits
to development
since this release
What's Changed
- Updated the TSClient with some bug fixes and features by @Mahmoud-Emad in #16
- Development backend v0.2.0 by @Mahmoud-Emad in #15
- fix: Updated the backend with missing implementations: by @Mahmoud-Emad in #17
- fix: Updated the response of Adding/Removing organization members: by @Mahmoud-Emad in #18
- fix: Added logs in the zinit runserver service. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #20
- Development backend v0.2.3 by @Mahmoud-Emad in #21
- fix: Fixed an issue with building the backend container. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #22
- Development ts client v4.5 by @Mahmoud-Emad in #23
- Updated the update feature serializer class name. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #24
- Development ts client v4.6 by @Mahmoud-Emad in #25
- Added missing '@types/uuid-validate' package. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #27
- fix: Updated the response of setting a feature for a user, changed the Serializer class. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #28
- Development dart client v1.0.9 by @Mahmoud-Emad in #19
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2