Customized .zshrc
configuration that adds IP addresses to the terminal.
The name is STATIC so make sure you change it if you download this!
Note that the colors will not look the same on your machine, they will depend on your terminal's theme!
Please ensure you have a NerdFont installed and set in your terminal, or you won't get these glyphs!
Note that this usually will not display properly in WSL because of how different Windows Terminal behaves, you may need to change the brackets and remove some glyphs!
A bash script I use for large-scale pentests to derive a curated list of only live IP addresses and open ports from a list of CIDR ranges, and then kicks off nmap scans against those hosts and ports.
Just a simple PowerShell script to encode commands to use with encoded powershell commands.
Also works on PS for Kali:
C# source code for a malicious DLL that executes shellcode.
Malicious DLL that executes a reverse Meterpreter shell over port 53.
C# source code.
C# executable that captures tokens from SpoolSample and then executes a PowerShell command to download and run download_cradle.ps1.
C# source code.
C# SQL client for enumerating and attacking MSSQL servers.
C# source code.
C# SQL client for enumerating and attacking MSSQL servers, with SA impersonation for Linked Servers.
PowerShell that will download and execute malicious code in memory without touching the disk.
Requires a malicious DLL hosted on a download location you control.
Powershell that will download and execute remotely hosted Powershell scripts in memory without touching the disk.
Piping the script to IEX (Invoke-Expression) bypasses script execution policy.