- Bluetooth naming per board, last 3 MAC address hex pairs as device name
- USBSerial input
- Some minor tweaks
- Removed code for other boards
Using Arduino IDE:
- Install ESP32 Boards on Arduino IDE
- Install OLED Libraries
- Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries
- Search for "SSD1306" from Adafruit in Library Manager -> Install
- Search for "GFX Library" from Adafruit in Library Manager -> Install
- Install LoRa Library for Semtech SX1276/77/78/79
- Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries
- Search for "LoRa" (LoRa by Sandeep Mistry) -> Install
- After installing the libraries copy and paste the LoRa_TRX.ino file into your Adurino IDE
- Before flashing the firmware set the right frequency config (868 Mc or 433 Mc band)
- Currently supported board: TTGO LoRa32 T3 1.6.1 (and others if you change LoRa chip pins and/or display pins)
- Compile it and upload to the board
- Sending and receiving messages is done via serial communication over Bluetooth
- Pair your Smartphone or Tablet or PC with the ESP32 LoRa-Board
- Download a Serial Bluetooth Terminal APP and choose your previously paired device for serial communication
- Or on FDroid is a Bluetooth Terminal available
- Once you are connected you can start sending and receiving messages over LoRa direct on your cellphone
- Thank you @DEVPAR DM5LG for your code!