Here you can find the sources of a simple CW beacon, for ESP32 board with LoRa and OLED display. The beacon sends a predefined message as Morse code on a fixed frequency, like 433.575 MHz. The signal can be received using any UHF handheld.
- ESP32 board with LoRa SX1278 transceiver and OLED SSD1306 display
Two boards are supported:
- Arduino IDE
>= 1.8.5
- Arduino support for ESP32 platform
- Adafruit GFX Library
Get the sources:
git clone
Modify the message at end of
file. Replace the callsign and add any information you may find useful (QTH etc). -
Make sure pin definitions match your ESP32 board (LORA_RST, OLED_SDA, OLED_SCL, LED).
Change the frequency to the desired value (FREQ_HZ).
Compile and upload the program to the board.
morse-beacon was created by Serge Vakulenko, KK6ABQ.
Thanks to @flymaxty for changing to OOK mode.