This is a mod for The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe game. It adds keybinds that do different things in the game and even allows you to change the scene you are in.
This was made so i could mess with the game and to see how they made this game in unity. Its been fun making this and i hope you have fun messing around with the game.
- Achievment unlocker (Does not give you the Super Go Outside Achievement or some of the easier ones)
- Unlock all doors
- Show hidden Achievment UI
- Give you info about what scene you are currently in
- Enable Jumping
- Scene switcher to allow you to go to different parts of the game
- Lock/Unlock Cursor
- Noclip (Thanks Felixbucket!)
- Speed Increaser/Decreaser
- Make a Better Level Selector
- Make new ui that does not use unitys script ui
- Add a version checker to check if mod is updated
- Redo the info that the scene info button gives
Fix spelling mistakes ive made while working on this mod at 3amAdd a Keybind to Lock/Unlock Cursor
To install this mod, you will need to install MelonLoader (website link, see Getting Started. Automated install recomended).
Then, you will have to put the .dll file from releases into the Mods
folder of your game directory
- Console spam for a Null refrence exception. Woring on a fix!
- Sometimes get stuck if you go to a level then go to main menu
- Going to loading scene directly breaks game
Can lock curser sometimes causing issues
- Markthomas007
- FelixBucket (Noclip)