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This page will teach you the basic principles for Stattr development. We don't have too many rules, but we do have some helpful tips!
First, you should join #stattr on irc.freenode.net, because we'd love to chat with you! Seriously, community is fun, and IRC is the best way to have one. Come say hi!
Since Stattr is only a source-based python application at the moment, you can try StartPage for download info.
Our style is simple: PEP 8. We try to follow it as much as possible, and you should, too!
In JavaScript, we try to follow a Pythonic style as well. That may seem odd, but it actually works out (especially since in JavaScript, brace placement matters).
Write valid XHTML, and we shouldn't have a problem.
If you catch us breaking our own style rules, do please call us on it. We'd rather learn something than explain it away, honest! We really want a clean, readable code base, so new developers can jump in faster.
First, the project has several strictly-administrative files.
- README -- Brief help file, points to the StartPage
- COPYING -- Copy of the GPLv3, under which stattr is distributed
- stattrd -- The main file, which starts off the server. It's really small, though, and doesn't contain any meaningful code.
The backend part of the project is organized like so, in the statserv directory:
- server.py -- Main server file, containing almost all server-side processing
- stattrd.conf -- Config file, containing startup options (this is strictly an example in the distributed code)
The frontend consists of files sent by the server to the browser. They are these, from the statserv directory:
- tpls/*.tpl -- Template files, used to generate the base HTML.
- frontend/* -- Java
cript and CSS files used to modify the base HTML.
We don't have an official TODO list at the moment, but since most things haven't been implemented, you have essentially free range to help us in any capacity.
Add features! I'll try to post a clearer definition of the project soon, then the features can be added by anyone who cares to join the project. You could also review the messy code (and refactor it, if you'd like). You could also look at the issue tracker, and see if anyone has any problems with our software.
Stattr is a web app, and could use some snazzy logos, icons, and various other art. If you would like to contribute your time as an artist, feel free to contact us through this site.
While we haven't actually gotten 'round to translating stattr in any capacity, you could probably help by translating some of these help documents, then be ready to help when we do need translations for the app!
You love writing, right? Well, you'll never save the world writing exciting things. Help out stattr by documenting that really cool feature you just found two minutes ago, and sending all of your friends the link. The best way to document is to comment on these wiki pages--we'll see the comment, then either add it to the wiki or ask you to do so yourself, and make you a contributor!
Not everyone has godly programming skills or fifteen doctorates in foreign languages, so for mere mortals we offer the most important job of all: Use stattr normally, and report any problems you see! Seriously, any problem at all, big or small. If we agree that it is a problem, we'll be nice and include your name in the next release notes! It'll be super-cool!