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Cheatsheet: Git for Simutrans

Matthew edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 7 revisions

Git for Simutrans-Extended: Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet assumes that your Github repository is set up as origin

Change branch

git switch <MY-BRANCH>

The old way was git checkout <MY-BRANCH> but that's confusing terminology and if shares a name with a file or a commit then unexpected things can happen.

Compare two branches


Create a new local branch

git switch -c <MY-BRANCH>

which replaced

git checkout -b <MY-BRANCH>

Follow a new remote branch

git fetch --all
git checkout --track <THEIR-REPO>/<THEIR-BRANCH>

Push a local branch for the first time

git push -u origin <MY-BRANCH>

Merge changes from another local branch into this local branch

git merge <OTHER-BRANCH>

Revert last commit

If you want to retain changes in the present working directory, as though you had edited but not committed them:

git reset --soft HEAD~1

If you want to delete the changes forever:

git reset --hard HEAD~1

To find the branch a commit was first added to

git name-rev <SHA>

Revert ancient commits

git revert <SHA1 SHA2 etc.>

Git will then prompt you to edit any files that have conflicts. When you have done this:

git revert --continue

If you want to abandon editing while there are still conflicts:

git revert --abort

Add a new remote repository

git remote add <NEW-REPO> <http://THEIR.REPO.URL>

Make the current branch track a remote branch

git branch -u <THEIR-REPO>/<THEIR-BRANCH>

Squash all commits on current branch into one

Make sure that you are on the branch that you want to use

git switch <MY-BRANCH>`

In the following, change master to main if the repository uses that

git reset --soft $(git merge-base master HEAD)
git commit -m "<MY-COMMIT-MESSAGE>"

There should not be an any need to git add with this approach.

If this branch has already been pushed to a remote, you will probably need to use git push --force-with-lease to force this push. This is not advised if other people could have already pulled from the remote (e.g. to assess a PR), which you should be warned about with if you use --force-with-lease rather than the riskier -f or --force.

Source CC-BY-SA

Rebase forked main branch onto upstream main branch

Change main to master if the repositories predate that change

If necessary, add the upstream repository as upstream

git remote add upstream<THEIR-USERNAME>/<THEIR-REPO>.git

First, critical, step is to make sure that you are on your main branch and have committed any changes!

git status
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main

You now need to push these changes to your own repo on GitHub. Use --force because otherwise git prefers the GitHub version

git push origin main --force

If necessary, rebase the branch you are working on

git checkout <BRANCH-NAME>
git rebase main

Check the history of a line of code

To get the commit history of line 15 of simworld.h in the present working directory:

git log -L15,+1:'./simworld.h'

To get the history of the 5 following lines

git log -L15,+5:'./simworld.h'
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