- This is the first version of the cross-api package.
It is a project that I did for pure fun and that the idea of the project ended up taking on alarming proportions.
A real potential was identified and improvements began to be made until the first official version was available.
This idea is undoubtedly my most value-added project, because from it it is possible to create any API limited only by your imagination.
This means that hundreds of projects that generated monetary values were built through this project.
This version has a terrible user experience, it is all in Portuguese, that is, it does not have support at least for English, which is the global language.
The organization of the code is not good, there was no goal and not even enough knowledge to achieve that goal, good practices were not applied, performance and safety were not taken into account.
Design patterns, SOLID principles, clean architecture have so far gone far from this project. Not even suitable for use in a portfolio.
But even so, with pride, I decided to make this version public.
This is to expose how a code has evolved, to show that everything needs to have a starting point and doesn't have to be something perfect as long as you can convey your idea.
Much of my evolution as a developer has revolved around improving this project.
And I'd like to inspire other developers to do the same, not to be ashamed of that old code, no matter how horrible it is. Because it was from it that you got to where you are today.
That basic project of yours from your beginner days can end up becoming a great idea.
No lines of code, or functionality have changed. Despite being in the beta phase, the project's proposal works perfectly if you are curious to test.
original README.md
npm i https://github.com/Mauro-Domingues/cross-api-BETA -D
node ./node_modules/api-template/EnviromentConfig/configJson.js
npm run cross