This repository contains an analysis of the spatial and environmental variability in krill (Euphausia superba) length. The study evaluates different mixed-effects models incorporating spatial strata (ID) as a fixed effect and year (ANO) as a random effect. Environmental covariates such as chlorophyll-a (Chla), sea surface temperature (TSM), and sea ice cover are included to assess their influence on krill growth dynamics.
- Investigate spatial variability in krill length (LENGTH) and the 75th percentile length (LENGTH_P75).
- Test different statistical models to determine how environmental factors influence krill growth across different strata.
- Identify the best-fitting model to support krill growth scenario testing within the LBSPR framework.
The full results, including model comparisons, visualizations, and conclusions, are available in the HTML report:
This analysis was conducted in R, using the lme4
package for mixed-effects modeling and performance
for model comparison. The R Markdown file (index.Rmd
) compiles the entire workflow and generates the HTML report.
├── data/ # Raw and processed data files (upon request)
├── scripts/ # R scripts for data processing and modeling
├── index_files/ # figures and Outputs from the analysis
├── index.Rmd # R Markdown file for the report
├── # Project description and instructions
If you use or reference this analysis, please cite appropriately:
Mardones, M. (2025). Krill Length Analysis: Environmental and Spatial Influences.