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Julien Lesaffre edited this page Apr 5, 2019 · 13 revisions

CO-OP-ERATOR Application Team #11


The scope of the software engineering group project of the Winter 2019 edition of the ECSE321 course is to develop a software system for managing co-op terms for co-op programs offered at McGill University.
In teams of five students, we will gather requirements, design a multi-tier software solution to satisfy those requirements, implement the system, validate that the system is satisfying the requirements, and develop a release pipeline to automate the software delivery process. Viewpoints developed by multiple teams will be integrated with each other via service calls.
Our application viewpoint is co-op administrator.

Team 11

  • Romain Couperier
  • Julien Lesaffre
  • Anudruth Manjunath
  • Matteo Nunez
  • Pierre Robert-Michon

Deliverables Report

1. Deliverable 1
2. Deliverable 2
3. Deliverable 3
4. Deliverable 4

If frontend loads with Application Error. Reload and the app will display.

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