Releases: MegaFoxardin/RandMegan
Releases · MegaFoxardin/RandMegan [Cryptographic Security Upgrade]
<-- Additions -->
- Added the Random Dice 40 Functionality
<-- Retweeks -->
- ReEntropy is now optional, unless creating random passwords, or creating random bits and bytes
- Now we use Shake256 and Random Bytes for each entropy.
- Security much more increased
- Minor performance boost [Cryptographic Security Update]
<-- Retweaks -->
- The Seeding is now Cryptographically Secure, making the Random Functionality, Cryptographically Secure.
- The Random Functionality is now independent of Optpy.
- The Random Functionality is now independent of Numpy.
Source: Google Drive [Pre-Minor Release Update]
< Version: /> Version Format: Major.Minor.Build.Package;
<-- Additions -->
- We have added the Random functionality for 24-sided dice, 28-sided dice, 32-sided dice, and 36-sided dice. Is it going to predict the future?
- Introduced a function to Entropy the seed, if you are planning to Entropy it programmatically.
<-- Security Changes -->
- From now on, it reseeds every time it generates randomly.
- Improved its mechanics, making it unpredictable and closer to Cryptographically Secure Random. Please make sure to test its improved mechanics, though.
- MêgaTron Random Generator has improved.
Source of RandMegan: Preview 0 [First preview in a while]
<-- Preview 0 -->
- Take note that with Previews, the version is currently in the testing phase of its release. It might get quirky from time to time.
<-- Retweeks -->
- Random Bits Super is now called "Random Bytes Plus"
- Performance of Choose Plusified has improved
RandMegan [Security Update Patch 1]
RandMegan [Minor Update]:
<-- Security -->
- Slightly improved the Password Generator Function
- Default Entropy's are protected now.
- Python 3.12.5 has made the Max Inclusive Value a bit of an issue, so we are catering for that.
- Default Entropy strengthened
<-- Rebalances -->
- Default Entropy strengthened
<-- Plans for RandMegan's Future for September -->
- We would bring in the ability to use the Dice Functions once, even with multiple Dices.
- We would start our process with improving RandMegan, to have primary, and backup return values. Can you figure out the name for such a type of Random Generator?