A spring boot application that shows how to configure rabbit MQ with spring boot and send message with producer and consumer concept.
How to start:
- Download ERLang with version 25.3. Link: https://www.erlang.org/patches/otp-25.3
- Download a suitable version of rabbit MQ(3.11.13). Link: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases
You can find your compatible version : https://www.rabbitmq.com/which-erlang.html
Install relang and rebbit MQ.
Go to. directory where it installed: EX: C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.11.11\sbin
Open a command prompt and run the server: rabbitmq-server start
Open browser and go to http://localhost:15672 with username: guest and password: guest
Now create and configure your QUEUE and Exchange by following these steps:
i. Create two exchanges:
a. javabeans.exchange b. javabeans.deadLetterExchange
ii. Create a dead letter queue qith name: javabeans.deadLetterQueue
iii. Now Bind the dead letter exchange with the dead letter queue with value:
a. To queue: javabeans.deadLetterQueue b. Routing Key: javabeans.deadLetterRoutingkey
iv. Create a queue with name : javabeans.queue with these arguments:
a. x-dead-letter-exchange : javabeans.deadLetterExchange b. x-dead-letter-routing-key : javabeans.deadLetterRoutingkey
You can find a screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/-Ar0iiAXEbvw
v. Last Step: Bind the queue with the exchange : javabeans.exchange:
a. To queue: javabeans.queue b. Routing Key: javabeans.routingkey
You can find a screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/S0XVurH9UaNJ
Now clone the project and run it.
Dependencies used:
a. Spring Web
b. Rabbit AMQP
Configuration properties used:
spring.rabbitmq.host=localhost spring.rabbitmq.port=5672 spring.rabbitmq.username=guest spring.rabbitmq.password=guest spring.rabbitmq.exchange=javabeans.exchange spring.rabbitmq.queuename=javabeans.queue spring.rabbitmq.routingkey=javabeans.routingkey com.javabeans.deadLetterQueue=javabeans.deadLetterQueue com.javabeans.deadLetterExchange=javabeans.deadLetterExchange com.javabeans.deadLetterRoutingkey=javabeans.deadLetterRoutingkey server.port=8085 #Email Configuration com.javabeans.mail.username=<The email from which you want to send messages> com.javabeans.password=<Your Generated App Password> com.javabeans.mail.host=smtp.gmail.com com.javabeans.mail.port=587 com.javabeans.mail.debug=true com.javabeans.mail.smtp.auth=true com.javabeans.mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true com.javabeans.mail.transport.protocol=smtp