As part of the course CC6202 - Linked Data, we decided to generate a method to extract and generate a non relational database of Warcraft, fundamentally over the major characters and the relations between them.
The project was realized with Python for the scraping work, the generation of SPARQL update queries and the connection with the database. For the database we used Jena and Fuseki.
The project uses the following libraries (As indicated on the requirements file):
- BeautifulSoup4 - Python library to scrape webpages.
- SPARQLWrapper - Python library to connect with SPARQL databases.
The project itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
The project itself was made using Pycharm, but It can be run directly from console.
$ python
But first we need to configure the connection with the database on the file utils/, replacing the respective URL.
Made by Michel Llorens and Tomas Saez.