v4.0 First Beta Release - Codebase Modernization and Tomogram Import
This beta release contains the vast majority of the new features that are planned for v4.0
New and Updated Features in v4.0:
- Updated/refactored large portions of codebase using C++11 features to create a more well-organized object-oriented software design and remove the Boost library dependency
- Updated README with more information about how to install and use Ising_OPV and information about build and testing status
- Added ability to import and interpret large 3D tomography data sets to create morphology sets for KMC simulations
- Added ability to interpolate imported tomogram data to generate morphologies with a desired lattice unit size that is smaller than the pixel size in the image data
- Updated domain size calculation algorithm to a new simpler and faster method
- Updated domain size correlation data calculation to output standard autocorrelation function that decays to zero for large distances
- Added calculation of film depth dependent blend composition, domain size, and interfacial volume fraction data
- Added generation of composition and tortuosity areal map data
- Updated the output morphology data file format to contain information about the compression format in the file header instead of in the filename
- Added googletest submodule for unit testing
- Added continuous integration testing using TravisCI and test code coverage assessment using Coveralls
- Added public API documentation pages using Doxygen
- Added link to new analysis tool Ising_OPV_Analysis that is being developed in a separate repository
NOTE: This software is still in the pre-release beta phase of development, and as such, there may still be bugs that need to be fixed. Please report any bugs or submit feature requests in the Issues section.
This release was developed under the financial assistance award 70NANB14H012 from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology as part of the Center for Hierarchical Materials Design (CHiMaD).