Welcome to the GitHub Repository Listing project! This simple website is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. The goal of this project is to create a user-friendly interface that mirrors the layout of the original GitHub repository listing page. The repository data is fetched from the GitHub API and dynamically displayed on the webpage.
Pagination: The website is designed to display 10 repositories per page, resulting in approximately 10 pages in total. The repository list is generated dynamically, ensuring that as new repositories are added to your GitHub account, they will be automatically reflected on the webpage.
Search Bar: To enhance user experience, a search bar is incorporated, allowing you to easily search for repositories by their names.
3.Github API: I'm fetching data dynamically from github api , and dynamically updating the repo list.
In this project, I have made an assumption regarding the display of repository languages. Specifically, I am fetching only the most used language within each repository and duplicating it for demonstration purposes. It's important to note that this project is focused on providing a basic representation and may not fully reflect the complexity of GitHub's actual repository data.
Note: The repository data used in this project is based on a friend's GitHub account for demonstration purposes.