This is a payment API that is meant to simulate a payment system.
These instructions will get you the project up and running on your local machine.
🐳 Docker: (optional, you can run it directly if you have node.js installed).
🔗 Mongo URI: An easy way to obtain a mongo URI is from MongoDB Atlas, check out this tutorial to see how. (or contact me to provide you with one)
✉️ Gmail and password: (optional, you can skip this if you would like to see reminders in the console only).
First, clone this repository
git clone
In the root dictionary, create a .env file
touch .env
Next, open the .env file and provide your mongo URI and email like this.
If you're going to use your emial, you might need to set the access to less secure apps setting to Enabled from here
First, build the image
docker build .
Now, run the container and map port 5000 on the container to port 5000 on your machine
docker run -p 5000:5000 <image_id>
You're all set!, the API should be running now 👍.
First, run
npm install
Then run
npm run server
You're all set!, the API should be running now 👍.