- main.py
- responsible for reading images and labels from a certain directory, splitting datasets into training and testing, and creating DataLoader objects:__init__(root: str, size: tuple[int])
- root is a path to a dataset; size is images size after resizingget_data(batch_size: int, test_size: float)
- batch_size - size of a single batch; test_size - part of a test data (for instance 0.2 or 20%, so train data's part is 0.8 or 80%); returns train and test DataLoaders respectively as a tuple.class_names@property
- a list of class names (folders' names within the root directory)class_indexes@property
- a list of class indexes
old DataHandler (unfinished/inactive)
- has the same functionality as an actual DataHandler, but doesn't use ImageFolder, DataLoader, etc; had been left as an example.ImagesReader (inactive)
- similar to ImageFolder from torchvision, the purpose is the same as well; the class is being used only in the old DataHandel.
- allows interacting with the CNN model; doesn't provide a direct access to the model's instance, but has methods for its training and evaluating:__init__(classes_count: int, learning_rate: float, size: tuple[int], load_path: str)
- classes_count is a number of classes; learning_rate is an optimizer's learning rate; size is images size after resizing; load_path is a path (including ".pth" file) from which state_dict will be loaded, trains a new model if None.test_loop(dataset: DataLoader)
- dataset is testing data; returns an accuracy and a total loss respectively as a tuple.train_loop(epochs: int, dataset: DataLoader, test_dataset: DataLoader, save_path: str)
- epochs is epochs count; dataset is training data; test_dataset is testing data; save_path is a path where a model will be saved, or won't if None; performs model's training, fills training_history, testing_history and accuracy_history.history@property
- a tuple consisting of training_history, testing_history and accuracy_history; should be taken after performing model's training.
- convolutional layers of the CNN (inspired by AlexNet):Conv2d(in=3, out=64, kernel=5x5, padding=2)
Conv2d(in=64, out=32, kernel=3x3, padding=1)
Conv2d(in=32, out=16, kernel=3x3, padding=1)
- classification layer in the CNN with following layers (fully-connected):Flatten()
Linear(input_size, classes_count)
- input_size can be calculated by analyzing the convolutional part of the network
= 0.05,batches
= 20,epochs
= 100,images_size
= 80x80testing_dataset_size
= 8%training_dataset_size
= 92%
The CNN was learning to recognize weather from different photos. There were 6 weather classes: dew, glaze, hail, rain, sandstorm, snow. You can check them all out in the "./data" folder.