Discord Bot for Traveler Mains Server
Invite link - click here
If you wish to run this bot follow the given steps.
- Create a new Firebase project
- Download Firebase admin key
- Copy that key into
- Create a new bot
- Make a copy of
file & rename it to.env
- Copy Application ID & paste into
field - Copy Token (from
page) & paste intoTOKEN
field - Copy Server ID & paste into
Execute the following:
npm install
This will install the dependencies
npm run build
This will transpile Typescript code to Javascript code
The best way is to install & start Docker Desktop
For headless install (or where there is no GUI available for e.g. Virtual Private Server Environments)
- Install Docker Engine
- Install Docker Compose
You may also refer this outdated guide
After Docker is installed, run the following command to start the bot.
npm run docker:prod