My name: Jonathan Murphy
I found the markdown library and the web-server library. My first idea was to write a markdown file and have it display to a webserver. And then I found this guide, and the following code from that guide is very close to that.
(require markdown)
(define xs (parse-markdown "I am _emph_ and I am **strong**."))
; xs = '((p () "I am " (em () "emph") " and I am " (strong () "strong") "."))
(display-xexpr `(html ()
(head ())
(body () ,@xs)))
The main difference is that I had to read it from a file and otuput it to a file which can be accomplished with the following:
(define xs (parse-markdown (file->string "
Ok so that wasn't super exciting or hard, so I had another challenge, which was to have a text file with a list of text files and output them to a webpage. I concatinated the text files into appropriate html and then what I thought was a correct xexpr santax, but I couldn't figure it out. String->xexpr gave an error that I annotated in my main.rkt file.
So I went back to the working markdown file to the webpage and hopefully I'll find more resources of how to do xexpr 's correctly.
DrRacket Output and Firefox screenshots: