Image: ''
tag: latest # unless otherwise specificed in the variable NEXTCLOUD_CONTAINER_VERSION
Postgres Database:
Image: ''
tag: latest # unless otherwise specificed in the variable NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_CONTAINER_VERSION
Nextcloud Whiteboard:
Image: ''
tag: release # unless otherwise specificed in the variable
This role will standup and configure three applications:
- Nextcloud: An application as a hub for other applications, file shares, calendars, contacts and more
- Postgreqsl: Backend database for nextcloud
- Nextcloud Whiteboard: An addon collaborative whiteboard for nextcloud (not working but soon)
This role is configured to work with Ubuntu with a ZFS subvolume.
Example Inventory:
yaml form:
NEXTCLOUD_STORAGE_ZFS_POOL: "pool" # Required, change this to your zfs pool, this role will create a subvolume for nextcloud
NEXTCLOUD_FQDN: "" # Required, change this to your domain for nextcloud
NEXTCLOUD_SSL_CERT_PATH: /path/to/cert # Required, change this to the path for your ssl cert
# If you are setting this up using the dehydrated cloudflare hook, it may be "/etc/dehydrated/certs/NEXTCLOUD_FQDN/cert.pem" where NEXTCLOUD_FQDN is what was entered above
NEXTCLOUD_SSL_KEY_PATH: /path/to/key # Required, change this to the path for your SSL key
# If you are setting this up using the dehydrated cloudflare hook, it may be "/etc/dehydrated/certs/NEXTCLOUD_FQDN/privkey.pem" where NEXTCLOUD_FQDN is what was entered above
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_FQDN: "" # Required, change this to your domain for nextcloud whiteboard
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_SSL_CERT_PATH: /path/to/cert # Required, change this to the path for your ssl cert
# If you are setting this up using the dehydrated cloudflare hook, it may be "/etc/dehydrated/certs/NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_FQDN/cert.pem" where NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_FQDN is what was entered above
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_SSL_KEY_PATH: /path/to/key # Required, change this to the path for your SSL key
# If you are setting this up using the dehydrated cloudflare hook, it may be "/etc/dehydrated/certs/NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_FQDN/privkey.pem" where NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_FQDN is what was entered above
NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_ENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "EnterANewPassword" # Optionally but strongly recommended
NEXTCLOUD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_USER: "nextcloudAdmin" # Optional, change the default nextcloud admin account name, only created on first run
NEXTCLOUD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD: "Password" # Optional, but strongly recommended, change the default nextcloud admin account password, only created on first run
Example Playbook:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
become: yes
- role: ansible-role
Uses the following modules:
- Default builtin modules
- community.general
- community.docker
Uses the following roles:
- murphywants-ansible-role-component-docker: A role to install and configure the docker daemon
- murphywants-ansible-role-component-dehydrated: A role to setup dehydrated with the cloudflare hook to pull lets encrypt certificates via the DNS api
Ansible role template with the following actions & tags:
Tag | Description |
Setup/Baseline | Setup the application and apply the configuration baseline |
Start | Start required services |
Stop | Stop required services |
Backup | (TODO) Run the backup for the component or application or OS |
Update | Will restart the apps, pull new containers, update nextcloud apps |
Remove | (TODO) Remove configurations and applications |
Purge | (TODO) Remove all configurations and applications relating to the app/component |
Variable | Default Value | Description |
NEXTCLOUD_PUID | 10003 | UID that the container files are owned by |
NEXTCLOUD_GUID | 10003 | GID that the container files are owned by |
NEXTCLOUD_PATH | "/mnt/nextcloud" | Where the application will be created and files will be stored |
NEXTCLOUD_STORAGE_ZFS_POOL | 'apps_pool' | The host's ZFS pool name |
NEXTCLOUD_STORAGE_ZFS_FS | 'nextcloud' | The ZFS zubvolume that will be created |
NEXTCLOUD_TIMEZONE | "America/New_York" | Timezone for the container |
NEXTCLOUD_CONTAINER_VERSION | 'latest' | Nextcloud container tag |
NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_CONTAINER_VERSION | '15' | Postgres container version |
NEXTCLOUD_HTTPS_PORT | 8084 | Nextcloud HTTP port mapped to the host |
NEXTCLOUD_FQDN | nextcloud.local | Domain name for nextcloud to run as |
NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_ENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD | "ChangeThisPassword" # Mandatory env var POSTGRES_PASSWORD | See above, change this to something very very secret |
NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_ENV_POSTGRES_USER | "postgresUser" | Postgres username for database communications |
NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_ENV_POSTGRES_DB | "postgresDatabase" | Postgres password for database communications |
NEXTCLOUD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_USER | "nextcloudAdmin" | See above, a default nextcloud admin account is created on initialization |
NEXTCLOUD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD | "ChangeThisPassword" | See above, a default nextcloud admin account is created on initialization |
NEXTCLOUD_SSL_CERT_PATH | undefined | Path to the SSL cert for the nextcloud domain, required by nginx |
NEXTCLOUD_SSL_KEY_PATH | undefined | Path to the SSL key for the nextcloud domain, required by nginx |
NEXTCLOUD_NETWORK_CIDR | "" | Going to remove at some point, nextcloud docker compose creates its own network for the containers it needs. This is the network space it will use. |
NEXTCLOUD_MAINTENENCE_WINDOW_START | 1 | Nextcloud maintennce window for automated maintenance tasks. 1 means 1 am. "A value of 1 e.g. will only run these background jobs between 01:00am UTC and 05:00am UTC" |
NEXTCLOUD_APPS_INSTALL | A long list, see defaults/main.yml | A list of nextcloud applications to install |
NEXTCLOUD_APPS_ENABLE | A long list, see defaults/main.yml | A list of nextcloud applications to enable, they must also be in the install list to ensure they are installed |
NEXTCLOUD_APPS_DISABLE | Empty list | A list of nextcloud applications to disable |
NEXTCLOUD_APPS_REMOVE | Empty List | A list of nextcloud applications to remove |
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_JWT_SECRET_KEY | "ChangeThisJWTSecret" | Nextcloud whiteboard requires a shared secret between the two apps |
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_FQDN | nextcloud-whiteboard.local | Domain name for the nextcloud whiteboard app |
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_PORT | 8099 | Nextcloud Whiteboard HTTP port mapped to the host |
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_SSL_CERT_PATH | undefined | Path to the SSL cert for the nextcloud whiteboard domain, required by nginx |
NEXTCLOUD_APP_WHITEBOARD_SSL_KEY_PATH | undefined | Path to the SSL key for the nextcloud whiteboard domain, required by nginx |
- Create backups