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Command Augmentation support for BOFs and .NET assemblies across agents


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Forge is a "Command Augmentation" Payload Type for Mythic that brings in @Flangvik's SharpCollection and Sliver's Armory. Forge itself doesn't build and isn't deployed to a target host; instead, it provides "alias" type commands for BOF execution and .NET execution that are then passed to another Payload Type's commands. For example, a forge_net_Rubeus command might get passed to Apollo's execute_assembly command for execution.

Forge comes preconfigured for Apollo and Athena, but new agent support can always be added on the fly with the forge_support command (only needs to happen once per Mythic instance) or by modifying the payload_type_support.json file on disk and restarting the container.

Forge's Icon

forge's icon made by Iconic Panda from

Special shoutout to Alex DeMine for coming up with the name and logo!

How to install an agent in this format within Mythic

When it's time for you to test out your install or for another user to install your agent, it's pretty simple. Within Mythic you can run the mythic-cli binary to install this in one of three ways:

  • sudo ./mythic-cli install github to install the main branch
  • sudo ./mythic-cli install github branchname to install a specific branch of that repo
  • sudo ./mythic-cli install folder /path/to/local/folder/cloned/from/github to install from an already cloned down version of an agent repo

Now, you might be wondering when should you or a user do this to properly add your agent to their Mythic instance. There's no wrong answer here, just depends on your preference. The three options are:

  • Mythic is already up and going, then you can run the install script and just direct that agent's containers to start (i.e. sudo ./mythic-cli start agentName and if that agent has its own special C2 containers, you'll need to start them too via sudo ./mythic-cli start c2profileName).
  • Mythic is already up and going, but you want to minimize your steps, you can just install the agent and run sudo ./mythic-cli start. That script will first stop all of your containers, then start everything back up again. This will also bring in the new agent you just installed.
  • Mythic isn't running, you can install the script and just run sudo ./mythic-cli start.

I want tool X included!

Awesome! If it's a .NET assembly, please first reach out to @Flangvik and try to get it added to their SharpCollection project. If it's a BOF, please first reach out to the Sliver team and try to get it added to their Armory.

Forge is built on the backs of these two amazing projects, so if there's going to be community effort put forth to adding more capabilities, I want these two great projects to get those updates first if possible.


The Poseidon documentation source code can be found in the documenation-payload/forge directory. View the rendered documentation by clicking on Docs -> Agent Documentation in the upper right-hand corner of the Mythic interface.

Building Outside of Mythic

If you want to build outside of Mythic, you can use the Makefile included in the project's Payload_Type/forge directory. You will need to modify the variables at the top of the Makefile to match the information for connecting to Mythic.