- Docker is installed and ready to use
- You have already deployed the N5GEH FIWARE platform and the platform you are using to deploy Entirety has (network) access to it.
- Either use git or download and extract repository files
git clone https://github.com/N5GEH/n5geh.tutorials.entirety_step_by_step.git cd n5geh.tutorials.entirety_step_by_step cd docker
- In current folder (n5geh.tutorials.entirety_step_by_step/docker) create a
file, which can be copied from .env.EXAMPLE. Following environment variables must be given correctly. Default values can be used for testing purposes.
Note: the field marked with "<...>" must be modified. "< >" should not be left in
. For example for POSTGRES_DB, the correct default setting isPOSTGRES_DB=entirety
# Database setup
POSTGRES_DB=<database name, default: entirety>
POSTGRES_USER=<database user, default: entirety>
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<database password, default: postgrespw>
DATABASE_HOST=<database host, default: entirety-db>
DATABASE_PORT=<database port, default: 5432>
CB_URL=<orion context broker url>
IOTA_URL=<iot agent url>
QL_URL=<quantumleap url>
WEB_HOST=<host name or IP, under which the application will be accessible>
If you're using OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication also configure following settings.
# communication settings with the OIDC provider OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT=https://<keycloak instance>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/auth OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT=https://<keycloak instance>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/certs OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://<keycloak instance>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/token OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT=https://<keycloak instance>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID=<oidc client id> OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET=<oidc client secret> # roles OIDC_PROJECT_ADMIN_ROLE=<project admin role> OIDC_SERVER_ADMIN_ROLE=<server admin role> OIDC_SUPER_ADMIN_ROLE=<super admin role> OIDC_USER_ROLE=<user role>
For a full list of configuration options see settings.
See below how to configure the client in the OIDC provider.
Replace compose file name with the one you are using.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml pull
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -p entirety up -d
After a few seconds, entirety should be accessible via http://< host >:80, for example http://localhost:80
Note: Switch from ghcr.io/n5geh/n5geh.tools.entirety:latest to development to keep track of the newest features.
If you are using ghcr (GitHub Container Registry) for the first time, you need to first sign in to the
export CR_PAT=TOKEN echo $CR_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u USERNAME --password-stdin
(classic personal access token) andUSERNAME
must be replaced with yours. Check here for more information.
Normally, an admin user should already be created with user name: "admin" and password: "admin". If that is not the case, you can still create new admin user via:
docker exec -it entirety-entirety-1 bash
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
Basically, you can use an OIDC provider of your choice. However, in this tutorial we will use keycloak (version 23.0.3). Therefore, the following is a configuration guide for keycloak.
Create a new client with following settings:
Setting | Value |
Name | entirety (or any name according to your naming conventions) |
Client type | OpenID Connect |
Authentication flow | Standard flow |
valid redirect urls | http(s)://your application url/oidc/callback/* |
After creating the client, you should be in the client menu of the just created client. Here, navigate to the roles tab and create four roles:
- super_admin
- server_admin
- project_admin
- user
The names of the roles are not important as such. Yet, it makes sense to give them a meaningful name. Additionally, they need to match with the value of the variables set in the environment file earlier, e.g. "OIDC_PROJECT_ADMIN_ROLE=project_admin".
We recommend to make the rules composite. This means that a user having the role project_admin will also have the user role, a user being server_admin will have project_admin and user roles assigned.
The client roles tab should look like this.
Navigate to the Client scopes tab and click on the dedicated scope. Since we named our client, entirety, the scope is called entirety-dedicated. Click on Add mapper -> From predefined mappers and choose client roles and click Add.
Make sure the scope settings match with the following table.
Setting | Value |
Mapper type | User Client Role |
Name | client roles |
Client ID | the ID you gave your client, e. g. entirety |
Multivalued | On |
Token Claim Name | ${client_id}.roles (this is the path in which the roles will be put in the tokens) |
Claim JSON Type | String |
Add to ID token | On |
Add to access token | On |
Add to userinfo | On |
Now, you can assign the created roles to your users. The meaning of the roles is described here.