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Jack Purkiss Position Based Dynamics Cloth Simulator Project

How to operate

This project can be build with CMake and requires the NGL library and Qt version 5 or higher. The NGL library can be found here. A compiler that supports C++17 is also required to run. Once compiled you can run and use the GUI to create a mesh of a desired size and adjust parameters in external forces, fixed points of the cloth and solve iterations.


For my assignment I will create a program that demonstrates a cloth simulator built with Position Based Dynamics.

It will be using a Position-based Dynamics system, largely insired by Bartels' masters thesis, where the behaviour of the cloth m_mesh is determined by a set of m_particles that have various constraints connecting them. This video looks at zero compliance distance constraints, which takes in a bending resitance parameter handling a constraint between two neighbouring triangles. He discusses two approaches to this, being an additional distance constraint between opposing m_particles, or the angle between triangles. We will initially be looking into the construction of this model using distance constraints. We will be applying the distance constraint to neighbouring m_particles, so that they remain the same distance from each other at all times. This will be done by finding the distance between the two m_particles, and then moving them so that they are the correct distance apart.

For the data, a m_mesh will be created to represent the cloth, which will be made up of vertices stored as Particle objects. A particle is constructed with a position vector and is assigned a m_mass and velocity. To begin with, the velocity will be zero. The external forces, in this case m_gravity and m_wind are then applied and solved for each of the m_particles, so their new predicted positions can be found. To start, this will involve a fixed position constraint, to hold certain m_particles in the cloth in place, and a distance constraint. This will ensure that neighbouring m_particles remain the same distance from each other at all times. The sim loop will then run continuously, based off of a given timestep. A GUI will be used to input the parameters like m_gravity and m_wind, and potentially others that will be explored later.

Here is a basic class diagram for the program. This is somewhat of a placeholder and will be developed as further understanding of the program is gained.


Particle --* ClothMesh
ClothMesh --* ClothSim

   class Particle{
     +Vec3 m_posision
     +Vec3 m_predictedPosition
     +Vec3 m_colour
     +Vec3 m_velocity
     +vector m_neighbours
     +vector m_yNeighbours
     +float m_mass
     +void draw()
     +void p_draw()
     +float getMass() const
	 +float getInvMass() const
   class ClothMesh{
     -float m_clothWidth
     -float m_clothHeight
     -size_t m_particleWidth
     -size_t m_particleHeight
     -float m_widthStep
     -float m_heightStep
     -Particle[] m_particles
     -AbstractVAO m_vao
     +void findNeighbours(size_t _x, size_t _y)
     +void applyExternalForces(float _gravity, ngl::Vec3 _wind, float _timeStep)
     +void applyFixedConstraint(Particle &p)
     +void applyDistanceConstraint(Particle &p)
     +void setPositions();
     +void draw()
     +void drawGL()
     +float getWidth() const
     +float getHeight() const
     +size_t getParticleWidth() const
     +size_t getParticleHeight() const
     +vector<Particle> getParticles(size_t _index)
     +vector<Particle> getParticle(size_t _x, size_t _y)  
     +float getWidthStep() const;
     +float getHeightStep() const;

   class ClothSim{     
     -float m_gravity
     -Vec3 m_wind
     -size_t m_solveIterations
     -bool[] m_fixedPoints
     +ClothMesh m_mesh
     +void runSim()
     +void createNewMesh(float _cWidth, float _cHeight, size_t _pWidth, size_t _pHeight, float _pMass);
     +void initialise();
     +void initFixedPoints();
     +float getGravity() const
     +Vec3 getWind() const
     +float setGravity(float _gravity)
     +Vec3 setWind(Vec3 _wind)
     +void setSolveIterations(size_t _solveIterations)
     +void setFixedPoint(size_t i, bool _fixed)


Evaluation and Future Work

I have implemented a simple position based cloth simulation that allows a particle mesh to interact with external forces and stretch appropriately. This has been done using distance constraints between particles and running with a given number of solve iterations. In the future, I would first add a complete mesh with a triangulated grid to represent the cloth as more than just particles. Additionally, I would fully implement the technique as seen in the literature, with triangle neighbours sharing edges and using a bending constraint alongside the distance constraint that I have used. I would add velocity dampening to provide more control over the simulation, and internal and external collisions to make a more accurate simulator. I would also provide functionality for the user to interact with the cloth directly and set it up in more ways than some pre defined fixed points.


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