ExomeQcPipeline can be excuted in four modes: germline wes mode,germline wgs mode and somatic pair mode and tumor only mode. Difference between the four modes are
- somatic pair mode contains exclusive modules of bam-matcher to check tumor normal pairs and no sample relateness check.
- tumor only mode is mostly same as somatic pair mode except nor bam-matcher test. 3 germline wes/target mode contains sample relateness check and post calling qc contains total filtered variant count, ti/tv ratio and base change check, call rate check and sample PCA.
- wgs mode is mostly same as wes/target mode except no capturekit related qc stats.
Also the pipeline has two branches: report generation branch and non report generation branch(bam level):
- report generation branch: will automaticlly generate all modules according to somatic/germline setting in the config.yaml file. Output report will be in word_doc folder.
- non report generation branch: will run any module set as TRUE in config_no_report.yaml file. Output table and figure will be in the subfolder of the particular module.
BAM level QC branch:
- Fill the config file modules_slurm/config.yaml
- Build manifest file
- Bam-matcher_check: fill pair.txt if for somatic pair mode
- pre_calling_check: fill pre-calling qc
- postcalling_check: fill ensemble_dir TRUE
VCF level QC branch:
- Fill all items in modules/config.yaml
- Manifest for the build
- Input bam file folder (bam files from different groups should be is different subfolders)
- Pre-calling qc report from secondary analysis pipeline
- Capturekit bed file (somatic and wes only)
- vcf file jointly called from input bam files(germline wes/target/wgs data only)
- paired tumor normal folder paith with files following "_5callers_voting_PASS.vcf" suffix(somatic mode only)
- tumor only input folder paith with files following "_WES_PON_passed.vcf" suffix(tumor only mode only)
BAM level QC branch:
├── ancestry
│ ├── procrustesPCASamples_PC1-PC2.png
│ ├── procrustesPCASamples_PC1-PC2.txt
│ ├── procrustesPCASamples_PC3-PC4.png
│ └── procrustesPCASamples_PC3-PC4.txt
├── bamContamination
│ ├── bam_contamination_rate.png
│ └── top10_contamination_rate.txt
├── coverage
│ ├── Average_Coverage_caco.png
├── deduplication
│ ├── lane_dup_rate.png
│ └── top10_dup_rate.txt
├── fastqc
│ └── multiqc_report.html
├── gender_check
│ └── sex_check.png
├── precalling_qc
│ ├── fold80.png
│ ├── insertSize.png
│ ├── oxidation.png
│ └── seq_artifact.png
└── word_doc
VCF level QC branch:
├── postcalling_qc
│ ├── basechange_all.png
│ ├── callRate_byGroup.jpeg
│ ├── callRate_bychr.jpeg
│ ├── callRate_bychr.txt
│ ├── titv.txt
│ ├── titv_ratio.png
│ ├── variant_count.png
│ ├── variant_count_perKB.png
│ └── variant_outlier10.txt
├── relatedness
│ ├── out_off_diagonal.relatedness2
│ ├── relatedness.png
│ └── relatedness_hist.png
└── word_doc
├── build_germline_pipeline_V3_testing_QC_Report.docx
├── filtered_sample.txt
└── sample_summary.txt
BAM level branch:
- Create ExomeQcPipeline folder under build directory and download this repo to the ExomeQcPipeline folder
- Modify all parameters in
- run
sh run_snakefile_no_report.sh
VCF level branch:
- Create ExomeQcPipeline folder under build directory and download this repo to the ExomeQcPipeline folder
- Modify all parameters in
- run
sh run_snakefile_report.sh
germline WES:
- 72 Giab controls sample testing build: /DCEG/Projects/Exome/builds/build_germline_pipeline_V3_testing/QC/
- run
mv test_data/config_wes.yaml modules/config.yaml
germline WGS:
- 4 Covid wgs samples: /DCEG/Projects/Exome/builds/build_benchmark_COVID19_pilot_28076/QC
- run
mv test_data/config_wgs_example.yaml modules/config.yaml
somatic pair:
- Breast cancer tumor normal build /DCEG/Projects/Exome/builds/build_SR0443-004_somatic_UMI_25938/QC/
- run
mv test_data/config_somatic_example.yaml modules/config.yaml
somatic pair:
- Chernobyl thyroid build /DCEG/Projects/Exome/builds/build_SR0586-001_WTC_Chernobyl_Thyroid_33381/QC
- run
mv test_data/config_tumorOnly.yaml modules/config.yaml
1, Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object '/mnt/nfs/gigantor/ifs/DCEG/Home/luow2/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/farver/libs/farver.so':
run module unload gcc/4.8.4
2, Doc report generated but figures are all unviewable.
run chmod -R 775 ExomeQcPipeline