microRNA-seq workflow utilizing Cutadapt and STAR to generate a Sample-Gene read count matrix
Authors: Ben Jordan ([email protected]) and Komal Jain ([email protected])
Major steps in the workflow include:
- Trimming of adapters and low-quality reads using Cutadapt and retention of reads with a minimum length of 15 nt
- Generating QC reports using FastQC and aggregating results using MultiQC
- Aligning trimmed reads to GRCh38 human reference genome (https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-109/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz)) using STAR, and quantifying microRNA reads according to GENCODE V29 (ENCFF470CZH.gtf, https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF470CZH/) genome annotation file downloaded from Gencode
- Using the trimmed reads from Step 1, mapping to the miRBase gtf by extracting the hairpin/stem-loop sequences from hsa.gff3 file downloaded from here (https://www.mirbase.org/ftp.shtml). The gff3 file was converted to gtf using gffread software, then a custom script was used to bring the gtf file to the format expected by STAR mapper
- Merging reads-count tables of all samples for both miRBase and Encode gtf resulting in two count matrices
Docker Containers
- merged fastq files stored in directory:
with adapter sequences- reference genome sequence and annotation files
- microRNA annotation file
with updated file locations
- Trimmed reads in directory:
- QC reports of pre-trimmed reads in direcotry:
- QC reports of post-trimmed reads in direcotry:
- STAR index in directory:
- STAR alignent results and statistics reports in directory :
- merged reads-count table:
file with the following:- reference fasta
- reference annotation
- adapters fasta file (optional)
- miRNA annotations (optional)
Run singularity
Example: running on CCAD2 cluster
module load slurm
module load singularity
module load conda
conda activate snakemake
mkdir -p singularity_cache
snakemake \
--use-singularity \
--singularity-prefix singularity_cache \
--keep-going \
--local-cores $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
--jobs 10 \
--slurm \
--max-jobs-per-second 1 \
--max-status-checks-per-second 0.01 \
--latency-wait 120 all
├── adapters.fa
├── log
│ └── log files
├── merged_fastq
│ └── {sample}.fastq.gz
├── merge.R
├── posttrim_qc
│ ├── posttrim_qc_multiqc_report.html
│ ├── {sample}.trim_fastqc.html
│ └── {sample}.trim_fastqc.zip
├── pretrim_qc
│ ├── pretrim_qc_multiqc_report.html
│ ├── {sample}_fastqc.html
│ └── {sample}_fastqc.zip
├── reads_count
│ └── reads_count.csv
├── sample_names.txt
├── Snakefile
├── star_align
│ ├── log
│ │ ├── {sample}Log.final.out
│ │ └── star_align_multiqc_report.html
│ └── {sample}
│ ├── {sample}Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
│ ├── {sample}Log.final.out
│ ├── {sample}ReadsPerGene.out.tab
│ └── other star output files
├── star_index
│ ├── ENCFF628BVT.gtf
│ ├── gencode.v24.primary_assembly.annotation-tRNAs-ERCC_phiX.gtf
│ └── other index files
└── trimmed
├── {sample}_too_long.fastq.gz
├── {sample}_too_short.fastq.gz
├── {sample}.trim.fastq.gz
└── {sample}.trim.log