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microRNA-seq workflow utilizing STAR to generate a Sample-Gene read count matrix


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microRNA-seq workflow utilizing Cutadapt and STAR to generate a Sample-Gene read count matrix

Authors: Ben Jordan ([email protected]) and Komal Jain ([email protected])

I. Description

Major steps in the workflow include:

  1. Trimming of adapters and low-quality reads using Cutadapt and retention of reads with a minimum length of 15 nt
  2. Generating QC reports using FastQC and aggregating results using MultiQC
  3. Aligning trimmed reads to GRCh38 human reference genome ( using STAR, and quantifying microRNA reads according to GENCODE V29 (ENCFF470CZH.gtf, genome annotation file downloaded from Gencode
  4. Using the trimmed reads from Step 1, mapping to the miRBase gtf by extracting the hairpin/stem-loop sequences from hsa.gff3 file downloaded from here ( The gff3 file was converted to gtf using gffread software, then a custom script was used to bring the gtf file to the format expected by STAR mapper
  5. Merging reads-count tables of all samples for both miRBase and Encode gtf resulting in two count matrices


II. Dependencies

Docker Containers

III. Input

  • merged fastq files stored in directory: merged_fastq
  • adapters.fa with adapter sequences
  • reference genome sequence and annotation files
  • microRNA annotation file
  • config.json with updated file locations

IV. Output

  • Trimmed reads in directory: trimmed/
  • QC reports of pre-trimmed reads in direcotry: pretrim_qc/
  • QC reports of post-trimmed reads in direcotry: posttrim_qc/
  • STAR index in directory: star_index/
  • STAR alignent results and statistics reports in directory : star_align/
  • merged reads-count table: reads_count/reads_count.csv

V. Running the workflow

  1. Update config.json file with the following:

    • reference fasta
    • reference annotation
    • adapters fasta file (optional)
    • miRNA annotations (optional)
  2. Run singularity

Example: running on CCAD2 cluster

module load slurm
module load singularity
module load conda

conda activate snakemake

mkdir -p singularity_cache

snakemake \
    --use-singularity \
    --singularity-prefix singularity_cache \
    --keep-going \
    --local-cores $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
    --jobs 10 \
    --slurm \
    --max-jobs-per-second 1 \
    --max-status-checks-per-second 0.01 \
    --latency-wait 120 all

VI. Working directory structure

├── adapters.fa
├── log
│   └── log files
├── merged_fastq
│   └── {sample}.fastq.gz
├── merge.R
├── posttrim_qc
│   ├── posttrim_qc_multiqc_report.html
│   ├── {sample}.trim_fastqc.html
│   └── {sample}
├── pretrim_qc
│   ├── pretrim_qc_multiqc_report.html
│   ├── {sample}_fastqc.html
│   └── {sample}
├── reads_count
│   └── reads_count.csv
├── sample_names.txt
├── Snakefile
├── star_align
│   ├── log
│   │   ├── {sample}
│   │   └── star_align_multiqc_report.html
│   └── {sample}
│       ├── {sample}Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
│       ├── {sample}
│       ├── {sample}
│       └── other star output files
├── star_index
│   ├── ENCFF628BVT.gtf
│   ├── gencode.v24.primary_assembly.annotation-tRNAs-ERCC_phiX.gtf
│   └── other index files
└── trimmed
    ├── {sample}_too_long.fastq.gz
    ├── {sample}_too_short.fastq.gz
    ├── {sample}.trim.fastq.gz
    └── {sample}.trim.log


microRNA-seq workflow utilizing STAR to generate a Sample-Gene read count matrix







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