Releases: NGTOne/libHierGA
Release 2.1
Release 2.0.0
This release overhauls the entire API, making setting up large systems much simpler. It also adds a simple garbage collector, making cleaning up after a run much easier (though still optional). It also fixes apportionment, making it useful again (it had been broken since being introduced 2 years ago).
Release 1.1.2
This release adds some new tweakable options to the ES, making it possible to adjust the ratios of mu and rho. This allows different numbers of crossover/mutation offspring (where mu and rho are taken as multipliers on the initial population's size).
Release 1.1.1
This point-release fixes some bugs in the simulated annealer (which made it no better than random search), as well as adding a new temperature schedule.
Release 1.1
Added a set of new evolutionary systems and the ability to use simulated annealers.
Release 1.0
Release 1.0
Basic functionality for constructing hierarchical EAs. Allows limited top-down evaluation, all types of constructive relationships, objective nodes, and library and evolving/non-evolving population nodes.