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Add workaround to index mismatch issue.
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EmilyDeardorff committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent b2b2451 commit fc4ae2d
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 115 deletions.
259 changes: 144 additions & 115 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,27 +119,45 @@ def extract_3rdtolast_point(line):
# Based on snap_and_trim_flow() from (as of 10/20/23)
def snap_and_trim_splitflow(outlet_point, flows):

# Get the nearest flowline to the outlet point
near_flows = []
for index, point in outlet_point.iterrows():
nearest_line = flows.loc[flows.distance(point['geometry']).idxmin()]

# Create a new GeoDataFrame with the closest flowline(s)
near_flows_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(near_flows,

# Trim the near flows to get the furthest downstream one
if len(near_flows_gdf) == 1:
flow = near_flows_gdf

elif len(near_flows_gdf) > 1:
last_node = near_flows_gdf['From_Node'].max() # get the highest node value (i.e. furthest down)
flow = near_flows_gdf[near_flows_gdf['From_Node'] == last_node] # subset flows to get furthest down flow
if len(flows.index) == 1:
flow = flows

# Get the nearest flowline to the outlet point
near_flows = []
for index, point in outlet_point.iterrows():
nearest_line = flows.loc[flows.distance(point['geometry']).idxmin()]

# Create a new GeoDataFrame with the closest flowline(s)
near_flows_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(near_flows,

# Trim the near flows to get the furthest downstream one
if len(near_flows_gdf) == 1:
flow = near_flows_gdf

elif len(near_flows_gdf) > 1:
last_node = near_flows_gdf['From_Node'].max() # get the highest node value (i.e. furthest down)
flow = near_flows_gdf[near_flows_gdf['From_Node'] == last_node] # subset flows to get furthest down flow

# Calculate flowline initial length
toMetersConversion = 1e-3
initial_length_km = flow.geometry.length.iloc[0] * toMetersConversion

# Reset index if there is an index mismatch
if flow.index != outlet_point.index:
print('WARNING: Index mismatch detected between flowline and outlet point.')
print('Resetting index of flow and outlet_point geometries.')

print('flow.index: ') ## debug
print(flow.index) ## debug

print('outlet_point.index: ') ## debug
print(outlet_point.index) ## debug

flow = flow.reset_index()
outlet_point = outlet_point.reset_index()

# Snap the point to the line
outlet_point['geometry'] = flow.interpolate(flow.project(outlet_point))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,151 +340,162 @@ def count_coordinates(line_string):
split_flows_last_geom['num_coordinates'] = split_flows_last_geom['geometry'].apply(lambda x: count_coordinates(x) if x.geom_type == 'LineString' else None)

# Get the last geometry and check the length of the last geometry
if split_flows_last_geom['num_coordinates'].iloc[0] < 3: ## TODO: reverse and test to make sure it actually works!!
# If the length is shorter than 3, extract the first point of the second-to-last geometry
print('Extract first point of second-to-last geometry.') ## debug
if split_flows_last_geom['num_coordinates'].iloc[0] < 3:
# If the length is shorter than 3, extract the first point of the second-to-last geometry (if there are more than one geometries)
if len(split_flows_geom.index) > 1:

# Get "from_node" of last segment
second_to_last_node = split_flows_last_geom['From_Node'].iloc[0]
print('Extract first point of second-to-last geometry.') ## debug

# Subset second-to-last segment by selecting by the node connection
split_flows_second_to_last_geom = split_flows_geom[split_flows_geom['To_Node'] == second_to_last_node ]
# Get "from_node" of last segment
second_to_last_node = split_flows_last_geom['From_Node'].iloc[0]

# Get last point of second-to-last segment
thirdtolast_point = split_flows_second_to_last_geom['geometry'].apply(extract_last_point).apply(Point)

# If the length is 3 or greater, extract the third-to-last point of the last geometry
print('Extract third-to-last point of last geometry.') ## debug
# Subset second-to-last segment by selecting by the node connection
split_flows_second_to_last_geom = split_flows_geom[split_flows_geom['To_Node'] == second_to_last_node ]

# Get last point of second-to-last segment
thirdtolast_point = split_flows_second_to_last_geom['geometry'].apply(extract_last_point).apply(Point)
trim_flowlines_proceed = True

print('Geom length is shorter than 3 coordinates and no second-to-last geometry available.')
print('Skipping branch outlet backpool mitigation for this branch.')
trim_flowlines_proceed = False

# If the length is 3 coords or greater, extract the third-to-last point of the last geometry
print('Extract third-to-last point of last geometry.')
thirdtolast_point = split_flows_last_geom['geometry'].apply(extract_3rdtolast_point).apply(Point)
trim_flowlines_proceed = True

if trim_flowlines_proceed == True:

# Apply the function to create a new GeoDataFrame
thirdtolast_point_geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(thirdtolast_point, columns=['geometry'],
# Apply the function to create a new GeoDataFrame
thirdtolast_point_geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(thirdtolast_point, columns=['geometry'],

# Get the catchment ID of the new snapped point
thirdtolast_point_geom['catchment_id'] = thirdtolast_point_geom.apply(get_raster_value, axis=1) ## mainly for debug (but could be good to keep)
# Get the catchment ID of the new snapped point
thirdtolast_point_geom['catchment_id'] = thirdtolast_point_geom.apply(get_raster_value, axis=1) ## mainly for debug (but could be good to keep)

# Snap and trim the flowline to the selected point
trimmed_flows, inital_length_km = snap_and_trim_splitflow(thirdtolast_point_geom, split_flows_geom)

# Create buffer around the updated flows geodataframe (and make sure it's all one shape)
flows_buffer = trimmed_flows.buffer(10).geometry.unary_union
# Snap and trim the flowline to the selected point
trimmed_flows, inital_length_km = snap_and_trim_splitflow(thirdtolast_point_geom, split_flows_geom)

# Remove flowpoints that don't intersect with the trimmed flow line
split_points_filtered_geom = split_points_geom[split_points_geom.geometry.within(flows_buffer)]
# Create buffer around the updated flows geodataframe (and make sure it's all one shape)
flows_buffer = trimmed_flows.buffer(10).geometry.unary_union

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate the slope and length of the newly trimmed flows
dem =, 'r')
output_flows, new_length_km = calculate_length_and_slope(trimmed_flows, dem, slope_min)
# Remove flowpoints that don't intersect with the trimmed flow line
split_points_filtered_geom = split_points_geom[split_points_geom.geometry.within(flows_buffer)]

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Polygonize pixel catchments using subprocess
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate the slope and length of the newly trimmed flows
dem =, 'r')
output_flows, new_length_km = calculate_length_and_slope(trimmed_flows, dem, slope_min)

# print('Polygonizing pixel catchments...') ## verbose
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Polygonize pixel catchments using subprocess

gdal_args = [f' -8 -f GPKG {catchment_pixels_filename} {catchment_pixels_polygonized_filename} catchments HydroID']
return_code =, shell=True)
# print('Polygonizing pixel catchments...') ## verbose

if return_code != 0:
print("gdal_polygonize failed with return code", return_code)
# else:
# print("gdal_polygonize executed successfully.") ## verbose
gdal_args = [f' -8 -f GPKG {catchment_pixels_filename} {catchment_pixels_polygonized_filename} catchments HydroID']
return_code =, shell=True)

# Read in the polygonized catchment pixels
catchment_pixels_poly_geom = gpd.read_file(catchment_pixels_polygonized_filename)
if return_code != 0:
print("gdal_polygonize failed with return code", return_code)
# else:
# print("gdal_polygonize executed successfully.") ## verbose

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Mask problematic pixel catchment from the catchments rasters
# Read in the polygonized catchment pixels
catchment_pixels_poly_geom = gpd.read_file(catchment_pixels_polygonized_filename)

# print('Masking problematic pixel catchment from catchment reaches raster...') ## verbose
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Mask problematic pixel catchment from the catchments rasters

# Convert series to number object
outlet_catchment_id = outlet_catchment_id.iloc[0]
# print('Masking problematic pixel catchment from catchment reaches raster...') ## verbose

# Filter out the flagged pixel catchment
catchment_pixels_poly_filt_geom = catchment_pixels_poly_geom[catchment_pixels_poly_geom['HydroID']!=outlet_catchment_id]
# Convert series to number object
outlet_catchment_id = outlet_catchment_id.iloc[0]

# Dissolve the filtered pixel catchments into one geometry (the new boundary)
catchment_pixels_new_boundary_geom = catchment_pixels_poly_filt_geom.dissolve()
# Filter out the flagged pixel catchment
catchment_pixels_poly_filt_geom = catchment_pixels_poly_geom[catchment_pixels_poly_geom['HydroID']!=outlet_catchment_id]

# Convert the geodataframe into a format compatible to rasterio
catchment_pixels_new_boundary_json = gdf_to_json(catchment_pixels_new_boundary_geom)
# Dissolve the filtered pixel catchments into one geometry (the new boundary)
catchment_pixels_new_boundary_geom = catchment_pixels_poly_filt_geom.dissolve()

if dry_run == False:
# Convert the geodataframe into a format compatible to rasterio
catchment_pixels_new_boundary_json = gdf_to_json(catchment_pixels_new_boundary_geom)

# Mask catchment reaches raster
mask_raster_to_boundary(catchment_reaches_filename, catchment_pixels_new_boundary_json, catchment_reaches_filename)
if dry_run == False:

# Mask catchment pixels raster
mask_raster_to_boundary(catchment_pixels_filename, catchment_pixels_new_boundary_json, catchment_pixels_filename)
# Mask catchment reaches raster
mask_raster_to_boundary(catchment_reaches_filename, catchment_pixels_new_boundary_json, catchment_reaches_filename)

# print('Finished masking!') ## verbose
# Mask catchment pixels raster
mask_raster_to_boundary(catchment_pixels_filename, catchment_pixels_new_boundary_json, catchment_pixels_filename)

elif dry_run == True:
print('Dry run: Skipping raster masking!')
# print('Finished masking!') ## verbose

# --------------------------------------------------------------
if calculate_stats == True:
elif dry_run == True:
print('Dry run: Skipping raster masking!')

print('Calculating stats...') ## verbose
# --------------------------------------------------------------
if calculate_stats == True:

# Get the area of the old and new catchment boundaries
catchment_pixels_old_boundary_geom = catchment_pixels_poly_geom.dissolve()
print('Calculating stats...') ## verbose

old_boundary_area = catchment_pixels_old_boundary_geom.area
new_boundary_area = catchment_pixels_new_boundary_geom.area
# Get the area of the old and new catchment boundaries
catchment_pixels_old_boundary_geom = catchment_pixels_poly_geom.dissolve()

# Calculate the km and percent differences of the catchment area
boundary_area_km_diff = float(old_boundary_area-new_boundary_area)
boundary_area_percent_diff = float(((old_boundary_area-new_boundary_area)/old_boundary_area)*100)
old_boundary_area = catchment_pixels_old_boundary_geom.area
new_boundary_area = catchment_pixels_new_boundary_geom.area

# Calculate the difference (km) of the flowlines
flowlength_km_diff = float(inital_length_km - new_length_km)
# Calculate the km and percent differences of the catchment area
boundary_area_km_diff = float(old_boundary_area-new_boundary_area)
boundary_area_percent_diff = float(((old_boundary_area-new_boundary_area)/old_boundary_area)*100)

# Create a dataframe with this data (TODO: Write a script that goes into a runfile and compiles these. That's where I'll add branch and HUC ID to this data.)
backpool_stats_df = pd.DataFrame({'flowlength_km_diff': [flowlength_km_diff],
'boundary_area_km_diff': [boundary_area_km_diff],
'boundary_area_percent_diff': [boundary_area_percent_diff]
# Calculate the difference (km) of the flowlines
flowlength_km_diff = float(inital_length_km - new_length_km)

print('backpool_stats_df:') ## verbose
print(backpool_stats_df) ## verbose
# Create a dataframe with this data (TODO: Write a script that goes into a runfile and compiles these. That's where I'll add branch and HUC ID to this data.)
backpool_stats_df = pd.DataFrame({'flowlength_km_diff': [flowlength_km_diff],
'boundary_area_km_diff': [boundary_area_km_diff],
'boundary_area_percent_diff': [boundary_area_percent_diff]

backpool_stats_filepath = os.path.join(branch_dir, 'backpool_stats.csv')
print('backpool_stats_df:') ## verbose
print(backpool_stats_df) ## verbose

# if isfile(backpool_stats_filepath):
# remove(backpool_stats_filepath)
backpool_stats_filepath = os.path.join(branch_dir, 'backpool_stats.csv')

print('backpool_stats_filepath:') ## debug
print(backpool_stats_filepath) ## debug

# Save stats
backpool_stats_df.to_csv(backpool_stats_filepath, index=False)
# if isfile(backpool_stats_filepath):
# remove(backpool_stats_filepath)

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Save the outputs
print('backpool_stats_filepath:') ## debug
print(backpool_stats_filepath) ## debug

# Save stats
backpool_stats_df.to_csv(backpool_stats_filepath, index=False)

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Save the outputs

# Save outputs
if dry_run == False:
# print('Writing outputs ...') ## verbose

if isfile(split_flows_filename):
if isfile(split_points_filename):
# Save outputs
if dry_run == False:
# print('Writing outputs ...') ## verbose

output_flows.to_file(split_flows_filename, driver=getDriver(split_flows_filename), index=False)
split_points_filtered_geom.to_file(split_points_filename, driver=getDriver(split_points_filename), index=False)

elif dry_run == True:
if isfile(split_flows_filename):
if isfile(split_points_filename):

output_flows.to_file(split_flows_filename, driver=getDriver(split_flows_filename), index=False)
split_points_filtered_geom.to_file(split_points_filename, driver=getDriver(split_points_filename), index=False)

elif dry_run == True:

print('Test run... not saving outputs!')
print('Test run... not saving outputs!')

print('Incorrectly-large outlet pixel catchment was NOT detected.')
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