This is a remake of minecraft server-alerts (look repository) to transfer it from my old account to this new one but with the new version in addition. To use the project, you can localhost it or import the project by downloading the folder into a new Replit project (
Remember to set the right data within the code to allow the bot to send the correct chat message.
I have also added the option of being able to choose the language that suits you best, maybe I will develop more languages in the future!
[email protected] /home/runner/minealert-remastered
├── @types/[email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]
**Start message**: <start> [it, en, fr, de, ru]
**Stop message**: <stop> [it, en, fr, de, ru]
**Maintenance message**: <maintenance> [it, en, fr, de, ru]
The default message is set in: Italian.
**⚠️ If you misspell the language prefix at the end of the command, it will be automatically written in Italian**
Available languages are:
├── Italian [it] *(Default)*
├── English [en]
├── French [fr]
├── German [de]
└── Russian [ru]
If you need help, join our Discord server Ryzens ( or ( and open a Ticket, a staff member will come to assist you!