This is a fork of Evgeni Nurkov's etsy-php-laravel using a different way to use Session.
Based on Etsy Rest API description output, this wrapper provides a simple client with all available methods on Etsy API (thanks to the __call
magic PHP method!), validating its arguments on each request (Take a look to methods.json for full list of methods and its arguments).
Used some code from etsy-php by Iñaki Abete
The following recommended installation requires composer. If you are unfamiliar with composer see the composer installation instructions.
composer require gentor/etsy-php-laravel
Add the service provider in config/app.php
Add the facade alias in config/app.php
Copy the config file and enter your Etsy App settings in app/config/etsy.php
return array(
'consumer_key' => '',
'consumer_secret' => '',
'access_token' => '',
'access_token_secret' => '',
'scope' => ''
All methods has only one argument, an array with two items (both are optional, depends on the method):
- params: an array with all required params to build the endpoint url.
Example: getSubSubCategory: GET /categories/:tag/:subtag/:subsubtag
# it will request /categories/tag1/subtag1/subsubtag1
'params' => [
'tag' => 'tag1',
'subtag' => 'subtag1',
'subsubtag' => 'subsubtag1'
- data: an array with post data required by the method
Example: createShippingTemplate: POST /shipping/templates
# it will request /shipping/templates sending the "data" array as the post data
'data' => [
"title" => "First API Template",
"origin_country_id" => 209,
"destination_country_id" => 209,
"primary_cost" => 10.0,
"secondary_cost" => 10.0
Etsy API uses OAuth 1.0 authentication, so we need token credentials (access_token and access_token_secret).
// The $callbackUrl is the url of your app where Etsy sends the data needed for getting token credentials
$callbackUrl = 'http://your-app/etsy/approve';
// The $authorizationUrl is the Etsy url where the user approves your app
$authorizationUrl = Etsy::authorize($callbackUrl);
// On the callback endpoint run this code to get the token credentials and add them to your config
$tokenCredentials = Etsy::approve($request->get('oauth_token'), $request->get('oauth_verifier'));
return [
'access_token' => $tokenCredentials->getIdentifier(),
'access_token_secret' => $tokenCredentials->getSecret(),
$shipping_template = [
'data' => [
"title" => "First API Template",
"origin_country_id" => 209,
"destination_country_id" => 209,
"primary_cost" => 10.0,
"secondary_cost" => 10.0
# Upload image files:
$listing_image = [
'params' => [
'listing_id' => '152326352'
'data' => [
'image' => '/path/to/file.jpg'
$listing_file = [
'params' => [
'listing_id' => '152326352'
'data' => [
'file' => '/path/to/file.jpg'
You would be able to fetch associations of your resources using a simple interface:
$args = array(
'params' => array(
'listing_id' => 654321
// A list of associations
'associations' => array(
// Could be a simple association, sending something like: ?includes=Images
// Or a composed one with (all are optional as Etsy API says) "scope", "limit", "offset", "select" and sub-associations ("associations")
// ?includes=ShippingInfo(currency_code, primary_cost):active:1:0/DestinationCountry(name,slug)
'ShippingInfo' => array(
'scope' => 'active',
'limit' => 1,
'offset' => 0,
'select' => array('currency_code', 'primary_cost'),
// The only issue here is that sub-associations couldn't be more than one, I guess.
'associations' => array(
'DestinationCountry' => array(
'select' => array('name', 'slug')
$result = Etsy::getListing($args);
To read more about associations:
There are some methods that Etsy requires to be a JSON string encoded param (ie: param "products" for "updateInventory"). For these cases, those params should be defined like this:
'params' => [
'listing_id' => '546557344'
'data' => [
'products' => [
'json' => json_encode([
'sku' => 'sku-1',
'property_values' => [
'property_id' => 200,
'values' => 'red'
'property_id' => 52047899318,
'value' => '57 cm'
'offerings' => [
'price' => 10,
'quantity' => 3
'sku' => 'sku-2',
'property_values' => [
'property_id' => 200,
'value' => 'red'
'property_id' => 52047899318,
'value' => '68 cm'
'offerings' => [
'price' => 11,
'quantity' => 4
'sku' => 'sku-3',
'property_values' => [
'property_id' => 200,
'value' => 'blue'
'property_id' => 52047899318,
'value' => '57 cm'
'offerings' => [
'price' => 12,
'quantity' => 5
'sku' => 'sku-4',
'property_values' => [
'property_id' => 200,
'value' => 'blue'
'property_id' => 52047899318,
'value' => '68 cm'
'offerings' => [
'price' => 13,
'quantity' => 6
'price_on_property' => [200, 52047899318],
'quantity_on_property' => [200, 52047899318],
'sku_on_property' => [200, 52047899318],