Duck Dueller has reached the end of active development.
I might make updates sometimes, but official support has ended.
I will be collaborating on a new bot, keep checking back for a link to that.
- ✅ Sumo
- ✅ Classic
- ✅ Boxing
- 🚧 OP
Note: these are the modes the bot will definitely support. There might be more!
- ✅ Queue Dodging
- ✅ Smart Aim
- ✅ Smart Strafe
- ✅ Edge Detection
- ✅ W-Tap
- ✅ Pre-Game Movement (Sumo only for now, sorry!)
- ✅ Bow & rod usage
- ✅ Many failsafes
- ✅ Hidden from modlist sent to Hypixel
- ✅ Discord Webhook Integration
- ✅ Highly Customizable :D
- ✅ Give excuses and leave game when accused of cheating
- Bot dodges players that left the queue
Right now there is no release JAR file for you to download, this is because I'm still testing the modes I have currently implemented before making a beta release! If you still want to use it, you'll have to download this repo and compile it yourself.
Here's a demonstration video of the bot playing sumo: Introducing Duck Dueller. Videos of the other modes will also be released at some point.
Sure! Any contributions are greatly appreciated! Just fork this repo and open a pull request with your changes.Duck Dueller now has a discord server! Join it here!