The objective for this project is to modify an already existing Snake game code in Python so it supports multiplayer, using mechanics from both the Snake game and the Tron Cycle game.
Download the curses package relative to the version of Python you're using and install it with the following command (in the directory to where you downloaded it to):
python -m pip install curses-[curses_version]-cp[python_version]-win32/64.whl
To run the program, run the following command:
The program accepts the following parameters (the order must be the same):
- Use colors ("true" or "false", default = false)
- Frame interval (milliseconds per frame, default = 75)
The following example runs the program with colors enabled with speed of 100 milliseconds per frame:
python true 100
NOTE: Windows is not able to render the colors, even though curses thinks it can
Player 1 is controlled with the arrow keys, Player 2 is controlled with WASD.
To pause the game, press SPACEBAR or P. To exit, press ESC.
Snakes can move through the borders of the screen, appearing on the other side.
The objective of the game is to outlive the opponent. By eating food, the snake will grow, giving it more opportunities to trap its opponent (but also trapping itself).
When a snake dies, its opponent is declared the victor. If both snakes die at the same time, it is declared a draw. Amount of food eaten is completely arbitrary to the final result.