Releases: OfficerSpy/TF2-Be-With-Robots-Expanded-Enhanced
Releases · OfficerSpy/TF2-Be-With-Robots-Expanded-Enhanced
- Robot menu can be used outside of spawn regardless of current round state
- Added an option to change how robot teleporter works
- Property setting of
only changes once (carried from external commit)
- Using wave robots accounts for robot templates with no class icon specified
- Giant class icons will attempt to download the
file if it exists - Renamed console variable
- It is read as an integer instead of boolean
- Robot players cannot upgrade the bomb while deploying the bomb
- Added few delays in bomb deploy sequence
- Robot menu is affected by the value of
Missed Change
- Increased the robot template limit by 5.
- Player entities can pass through the robot spawn collision trace filter
- Robot template class icons are globally stored
- Existing custom icons (in files) for robot templates will be added to the downloads table when initially parsed
- Added an option to only use robots based on the current wave
- Added an admin command to allow seeing the currently stored wave icons
- Fixed incorrectly reading properties from the tf objective resource entity
New Robots
- Australium Medic
- Australium Engineer
- Giant Rocket Rain Soldier
New robots courtesy of LeeusVeep.
- The flag carrier must actually be idle in spawn before action is taken
- Robot players that build sappers no longer pushes all players away
- Changed robot behavior action setup dynamic
- Applied robot behavior action delays when upgrading the bomb
- Taunting is no longer allowed while in behavior action delay
- Changed where a property is changed for robot players
- Changed error log to reference correct function name
- A bounding box now displays to the player when they try to place a teleporter in a bad spot
- Added a sound that plays for bad teleporter placement
- Changed the next attack time for placing a teleporter if previously attempted to place in a bad spot
- Various robot template changes (from LeeusVeep)
- Robot players now have properties reset when a wave is completed
- Fixed kills being tracked on wrong players
- Players can now join the robots through server commands
- Changed command
to now be able to force a robot onto a targeted player - Changed how weapons are stripped from robot players
- All cosmetics are no longer removed when applying a robot's EventChangeAttributes
- Changed some configuration indentation (#3)
New Robots
- Colonel Clusterbomb
- Brigadier CK-5.H.O.T.
- Armor Piercer Sniper
- Australium Sniper
- Australium Spy
- Vaccinator Medic
New robots courtesy of LeeusVeep
- Fixed players being able to run out of the deploy bomb sequence on higher latency
- Increased the maximum amount of Engineer hint positions by 2
- Damage is blocked entirely by robot players if done between rounds
- Filter tag check ignores non-player entities
- Difficulty parsing for robot templates is not case-sensitive
- Changed how Defenders announce when a Giant Robot has spawned
- Bot Radio Wave particles are not managed by the plugin
- Fixed Sentry Buster detonation trying to broadcast Fade to wrong players
- Sentry Buster detonation now factors in true max health of the entity
- Misc change to updating bosswave settings
- Fixed being able to spawn as a boss robot by switching sides before a wave starts
- Adjusted player calculated cooldowns
- Edit robot template Armored Sandman Scout (Gatebot) (thanks Us_Le)
- Update invader bot last known area after being teleported to a robot teleporter
- Robot players spawn as their next robot when using buybacks
- Changed how zero vector is checked
- Engineers now teleport to the position nearest to spawn if no active bomb is found for the near bomb option
- Administrator no longer announces a teleporter present in the world for teleporters that weren't placed yet
- Constant checks on the player are now only done when they have finished the robot transformation process
- Changed the delay for checking Blue TFBots spawning
- Freeze input instead of completely disabled movement for engineer teleporting by menu
- Freeze input instead of completely disabled movement for spy teleporting
- Edits to several robots
- Robot players cannot upgrade any robot teleporters
- Increased argument 2 buffer size in command
by 1 - Set a property on the robot player when turning into a robot
- Updated robot player last known area after being sent to his appropriate spawn
- Added sanity checks to teleporting engineer teleporting
- Added sanity checks to teleporting spy teleporting
- Added a delay for the bomb deploy sequence
- Manually defined spawn names for giant robots on
- Fixed logging wrong number of spawns actually specified when parsing the map configuration file
New Robots
- Lite Super Scout (Gatebot)
- Crit Scout (Gatebot)
- Armored League (Gatebot)
- Shortstop Scout (Gatebot)
- Charged Soldier (Gatebot)
- Rapid Fire Soldier (Gatebot)
- Burst Fire Soldier (Gatebot)
- Crit Soldier (Gatebot)
- Dragon's Fury Pyro (Gatebot)
- Phlog Pyro (Gatebot)
- Crit Pyro (Gatebot)
- Backup Demoman (Gatebot)
- Conch Demoman (Gatebot)
- Buff Demoman (Gatebot)
- Rapid Fire Demoman (Gatebot)
- Crit Demoman (Gatebot)
- Deflector Heavy (Gatebot)
- Booster Heavy (Gatebot)
- Plasma Gunner (Gatebot)
- Revenginer (Gatebot)
- Charged Engineer (Gatebot)
- Major League Scout (Gatebot)
- Armored Sandman Scout (Gatebot)
- Giant Dragon's Fury Pyro (Gatebot)
- Giant Bomber Demo (Gatebot)
- Drunken Demolitionist (Gatebot)
- Super Heavyweight Champ (Gatebot)
- Super Steel Gauntlet (Gatebot)
- Giant Bowman (Gatebot)
- Giant SMG Sniper (Gatebot)