Releases: OfficerSpy/TF2-MvM-Defender-TFBots
Releases · OfficerSpy/TF2-MvM-Defender-TFBots
- Changed a name for the bots
- Added 5 more names for the bots
- Global ready cooldown is reset when changing or restarting missions
- Fixed bot team composition being updated wrongly from team changes
- Choose bot team menu does not display infinitely
- Changed the name of the data file used to
- Added console variable
- Global ready cooldown is factored in !votebots command
- Allowed setting of "default" in bot weapon preference
- Added various measures to handle cases where players change teams
- Removed no-longer-used DynamicHook
- Added console variable
- Bots are always allowed to ready up regardless of mode-specific conditions
- Added an option to allow players to completely repick their bot lineup
- The bot preference data file changed names from
. Rename the old file appropriately for it to be read.
- Changed how Credit removal time is checked
- Removed 6 bot names
- Added 36 new bot names
- Changed how text is printed in commands
- Blue players cannot call for bots if using an invalid manager mode
- Added a command to manually remove all active bots
- Added a command to forcibly stop managing the defender team
- Added sniper spots for various maps (thanks LeeusVeep)
- Changed a couple default values for console variables
- Changed how reflect chance affects bot advanced airblasting
- Added an option to allow bots to keep upgrades after failing a wave (incomplete)
- Snipers now use their own spots to snipe from if specified in configuration
- Changed how event
is handled - Bots can now collect nearest money
- Snipers become attackers if they lose their Primary weapon
- Miscellaneous change to bot desired attack range
- Bots now fire Ambassador in intervals
- Fixed Snipers firing when it doesn't even see a threat
- Bots now prioritize threats they can visibly see
- Added custom sniping spots for all maps (courtesy of LeeusVeep)
Today's Server Update
- Added an option to control bot aiming
- Added an option to control bot reflecting
- Restricted the range at which bots can hear spies
- Bots consider
as being critboosted - Bots stop pathing towards a dispenser if they're being healed by an object
- Bots prioritize tanks less as threats if they're using a Minigun
- Changed bot tank threat selection
- Some minor change to bot reading game upgrade data
- Bots consider any flag a threat regardless of its team
- Fixed bots not properly targeting the healer of its threat
- Changed the config directory
- Added 26 new names for bots
- Bots now use a placeholder name when the name list is empty
- Configs folder changed name from
- Changed overall threat selection
- Spies now go after cloaked enemies if they're exposed
- Bots ignore invulnerable enemies with flamethrowers if it can't airblast
- Bots airblast charging players away
- Changed sniper lurk threat selection
- Bots now only listen for the robot spy's laughter
- Only acquire the game console variables once
- Bots path towards the healer of their target if possible
- Added valid attribute check before applying a custom attribute to the bot
- Sniper lurk behavior is not disrupted when the wave begins
No custom attribute for now