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A todo list app that indexes your app to find TODO:'s


  • to list all your todos
forgot list
  • list all your todos ignoring search in ./target, ./docs, ./licences, ./LICENSE
forgot list -i ./target -i ./docs -i ./licences -i ./LICENSE
  • list all your todos in src directory
forgot list src
  • list all your todos in src directory and display a code line where todo is located after todo item
forgot list src --cl
✔ Rename a to a normal name - todo.txt:1:7
a = b #TODO: Rename a to a normal name
✔ Add string parameter - todo.txt:2:13
fn to_str() #TODO: Add string parameter
  • list all your todos in src directory and display a code line where todo is located replacing todo's content
forgot list src --use_cl
 a = b #TODO: Rename a to a normal name - todo.txt1:7
 fn to_str() #TODO: Add string parameter - todo.txt:2:13