Basic instructions for building the OpenCMISS computational library.
The build system is 99% done so this documentation is interim, more detailed documentation will follow.
Install Linux OS or VM etc.
Check compiler version. The GCC 13 compilers have a compiler bug ( that means they may not compile the OpenCMISS source. Ensure that you have a compiler that works.
For example:
- Install GCC 14, e.g., On Ubuntu
sudo apt install gcc-14 g++-14 gfortran-14 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-14 140 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-14 140 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gfortran gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran-14 140 gcc -v g++ -v gfortran -v
- Install Intel oneAPI. Following the instructions to install the Intel oneAPI base toolkit ( and HPC toolkit (
Install necessary pre-requisite packages are installed.
- For Ubuntu
sudo apt install git cmake gfortran pkg-config bison flex libmpich-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev python3-dev python3-numpy swig doxygen graphviz
- For Fedora
sudo git dnf install cmake gcc-gfortran pkgconf bison flex mpich-devel lapack-devel blas-devel python3-devel python3-numpy swig doxygen graphviz
Create a directory for OpenCMISS and change directory into it e.g.,
mkdir ~/OpenCMISS cd ~/OpenCMISS
Clone the build system.
git clone
Create some sub-directories.
mkdir setup mkdir src cd src mkdir dependencies
There is a small bug in the git repository handling. Until I get a chance to fix the bug the git commands are disabled and we will just get the repositories manually. It only has to be done once. This will eventually change.
git clone cd dependencies git clone cd FieldML-API git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd GKlib git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd hdf5 git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd hypre git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd lapack git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd libcellml git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd libxml2 git fetch --all --tags --prune git checkout tags/v2.9.11 -b opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd METIS git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd mumps git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd ParMETIS git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd petsc git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd scalapack git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd scotch git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd slepc git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd superlu git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd superlu_dist git checkout opencmiss_develop cd .. git clone cd zlib git checkout opencmiss_develop cd ../../..
Create the build system files.
- GNU/mpich configuration.
cd setup cmake -DOpenCMISS_ROOT=~/OpenCMISS -DOpenCMISS_TOOLCHAIN=gnu -DOpenCMISS_MPI=mpich ../build_system/. make create_configuration
- Intel configuration.
cd setup cmake -DOpenCMISS_ROOT=~/OpenCMISS -DOpenCMISS_TOOLCHAIN=intel -DOpenCMISS_MPI=intel ../build_system/. make create_configuration
Check the variables are OK, e.g., in the Variables directory of the directory below are the variables that control this configuration of OpenCMISS. Edit if required or just use the current defaults
- GNU/mpich configuration
cd ~/OpenCMISS/build/configs/x86_64-linux/gnu-C14.2-gnu-F14.2/mpi-mpich-system/Release
- Intel configuraiton
cd ~/OpenCMISS/build/configs/x86_64-linux/intel-C2025.0-intel-F2025.0/mpi-intel-system/Release
Build OpenCMISS.
NOTE: there is a bug in which it wants to keep recompiling. Once it has build OpenCMISS and it tries to build again just kill the build.
Once OpenCMISS has been successfully build and installed, any updates to the OpenCMISS code in the ~/OpenCMISS/src/libOpenCMISS directory can be compiled and installed by
- GNU/mpich configuration
cd ~/OpenCMISS/build/x86_64-linux/gnu-C14.2-gnu-F14.2/mpi-mpich-system/OpenCMISS/Release make install
- Intel configuration
cd ~/OpenCMISS/build/x86_64-linux/intel-C2025.0-intel-F2025.0/mpi-intel-system/OpenCMISS/Release make install