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Installing the Wordpress plugin

Benjamin Jakobus edited this page Jan 24, 2014 · 12 revisions

This page serves as a guide to developers who want to install the SBTK Wordpress plugin. Note that this is an experimental plugin.

Step 1: Clone the SocialSDK repository. Step 2: Under the Wordpress plugins directory (PATH TO INSTALL DIR/wp-content/plugins/) create a folder called sbtk-wp. Step 3: Copy the contents of SocialSDK/php/wordpress-plugin into wordpress/wp-content/plugins/sbtk-wp. Step 4: Log into your Wordpress administrator page and go to "Plugins" -> "Installed Plugins". Activate the plugin called Social Business Toolkit integration plugin. Step 5: Go to "Settings" -> "SBTK Settings". Ensure that your endpoint is configured correctly. Click "Save". Step 6: Go to "Appearance" -> "Widgets". Drag the desired SBTK widget onto your page. Step 7: Done.