Open-source time-Temperature inversion of thermochronometric data.
Implements a transdimensional Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) time-Temperature inversion with optional Simulated Annealing (e.g., 1, 2) and kinetic uncertainty propagation/inversion.
Currently, this package supports the inversion of mineral helium and argon ages using a spherical Crank-Nicolson forward diffusion model following the equations of Gallagher 1995 and Ketcham 2005 along with the damage and annealing model of Guenthner et al. 2013 for zircon U-Th/He (ZRDAAM), the damage and annealing model of Flowers et al. 2009 for apatite U-Th/He (RDAAM), or any constant user-specified
Apatite fission track age and fission track length data are supported with the annealing models of Ketcham et al. 1999 and Ketcham et al. 2007, while zircon fission track data are supported with the annealing model of Yamada et al. 2007 and the simultaneous-fit fanning curvilinear ZFT annealing model from Guenthner et al. 2013, discussed further by Ketcham 2019 (sec. 3.8, pgs. 65-67). Monazite fission track is also included with the re-fit annealing model of Jones et al. 2021.
Chronometer | Mineral | System | Geometry | Diffusion and/or annealing model(s) |
ZirconHe |
zircon | helium | spherical | ZRDAAM |
ApatiteHe |
apatite | helium | spherical | RDAAM |
SphericalHe |
any | helium | spherical | Diffusivity (user-specified D₀, Eₐ) |
PlanarHe |
any | helium | slab | Diffusivity (user-specified D₀, Eₐ) |
SphericalAr |
any | argon | spherical | Diffusivity (user-specified D₀, Eₐ) |
PlanarAr |
any | argon | slab | Diffusivity (user-specified D₀, Eₐ) |
MultipleDomain |
feldspar | argon | slab/sphere | MDDiffusivity |
ZirconFT |
zircon | fission track | n/a | Yamada2007PC ,Guenthner2013FC |
MonaziteFT |
monazite | fission track | n/a | Jones2021FA |
ApatiteFT |
apatite | fission track | n/a | Ketcham1999FC , Ketcham2007FC |
ZirconTrackLength |
zircon | fission track | n/a | Yamada2007PC , Guenthner2013FC |
MonaziteTrackLength |
monazite | fission track | n/a | Jones2021FA |
ApatiteTrackLength |
apatite | fission track | n/a | Ketcham1999FC , Ketcham2007FC |
Additional systems and models are expected to be added in future releases.
Thermochron.jl can be installed in the same ways you would install any other registered Julia package, i.e.
] add Thermochron
at the Julia REPL, or alternatively
using Pkg
Download an example script such as tTinversion.jl from the examples folder, along with any relevant data files, and run it in your favorite Julia-connected editor or IDE. A Manifest.toml is also provided in the examples folder, which you may Pkg.instantiate
to ensure you have the same versions of all relevant packages that the example was built for.
See also the test suite for more information and examples.
When using model results derived from Thermochron.jl, you may cite this package as:
Keller, C.B., McDannell, K.T., Guenthner, W.R., and Shuster, D.L. (2022). Thermochron.jl: Open-source time-Temperature inversion of thermochronometric data.