This is the source code for the article Performance Testing Spring Boot with Gatling on the Opsian Blog. This README helps you replicate what is described.
Make sure you have Docker installed.
You can sign up for the Opsian trial and download the
binary to the root of the project.
Also, run gradle:assemble
to generate the Uberjar. Move this into the root of the project - this should be in build/libs/
Once it is in the root directory you can run
docker build -t opsian/gatlingtest:v1 .
and start it with
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 opsian/gatlingtest:v1
On a side note, there should be a running Kafka node on your machine. If you are running the Kafka node on your machine but the app on Docker then change the host (or windows, linux etc) so it can communicate with the node.
props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "docker.for.mac.localhost:9092");
The load test simulation can be found user-files/simulations/gatling/BasicSimulation.scala
Download Gatling and unzip. Place the simulation in the simulations folder and run the following bash command:
bin/ -s test.GatlingTestSimulation