The notes and answers of Adrew Ng's coursera course:
If you want to download the slides and the notebooks please check shahariarrabby/ In my github, I add some notes while I complete the specifications.
Email is the fast way to contract with me. You can also open an "ISSUE" from the github. (你可以通过开启ISSUE或者直接邮件联系我,邮件24小时都会回复) The assignment of the course changes very much. So I decide not update the notebook any more. Please go to the official website to get the notebooks.If you want to learn basic concept and pratice programme skills about machine learning, you can also try my github folder. It includes the python implementations of the basic machine learning programs. It helps a lot if you implement all basic algorithms by yourself.
- If you find this github violates the rules of the coursera, please let me know.
- Questions are welcome!
- 中国国内的网易平台已经公开了这个课程的视频,但是没有项目的代码。我想将所有的代码和数据都保存下来。
2017.09.05 第一次课程week2 加入dataset数据。
2017.09.06 删除所有答案。只保留数据和代码
2017.09.28 删除了选择题答案。
2017.11.07 更新第四课程的笔记